**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Group 1 in the staggered hatch was a bust. I've done eggtopsies on the eggs Wisher sent me. . . . .almost all were partly scrambled, if not fully.
Just a lone Olive egger made it to lockdown before he died on about day 20. It seems all mine quit between day 8 and 11. Not sure what happened.

So sorry!
I don't think I'm going to have any hatch either. :( I think I'm too big of a chicken to do eggtopsies though.

8 new babies born on the 2nd! The ones due yesterday under another broody have not pipped yet, but they were abandoned by original girl sitting on them so they got cold for a couple hours, so maybe they will hatch today/tonight
they are from my 100% English blue Orpington and this is the first eggs to show fertility so really hoping the hatch

I gave the Five poults to my broody last night, and this morning they were happily following here around, and she was showing them were the food and water was, then I just went out to let everyone out for the rest of the day and found all five inin front of her, pecked to death, and her still growling and pecking and last one which died in my hands
No more babies for her ever again!
I'm so mad and sad, I wanted those royal palms so bad
I didn't even get a chance to take pics of them
Oh my word!
I am so so sorry.
It gets worse, they were for my son's bus driver. This morning I told her only one hatched, talked about giving it to her when she dropped off my son. So this afternoon I got the poultry and 4 tutor chicks in a box. I sat them on the porch, ran in to go potty. I came back and the box was tipped over and my cat was no where in sight. Chanting to myself "Not the turkey." ver and over as I rush to the box to find 4 adorable chicks and no dang turkey.

I should have stayed in bed today. My daughters dog drowned in the pond. There is a way for them to get out if they get in, but he was old and I think one of the other bigger dogs might have been "playing" with him.
How awful! I'm so sorry for your losses. :(
Oh I think the wet chicken contest was forgotten




there are only 3 pics entered but they are all good pics. Give one of them the winning title...
Wait! I have a pic to add! I took it over a week ago but I just keep forgetting to add it! i"m sure it won't win...but I still want to post it...off to do it now.

Well...I THINK the egg that is due today is still rocking a little, but the others aren't doing ANYTHING...would it be safe to candle since none are pipped yet?

ETA: Oh, and I got all the eggs under the broody yesterday and grabbed the non-fertile chicken egg! She hopped off to grab a drink and a bite to eat (which made me happy because she didn't yesterday) so I slipped in and she was happy as a clam to find a nest full of eggs when she came back! I'll have to get a pick of her.

Also...is 65% ok for my humidity for my duck eggs? The air cells are kind of small, so I didn't want to drown them, and I know it's been said it will jump up once they start hatching....I can add water if I open it to candle though so I want to know so I'm not opening it too much. Thanks!
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Wet Rhett. He didn't seem to mind the rain...

I'm still trying to figure out how many of these poults he's fathered...

And the other potential BabyDaddy.
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After looking at some pics of Swedish ducklings on the net, I think you are right! A Black Swedish. Can most all ducks cross breed?
With the exception of the Muscovies and Mandarins, almost all of the ducks you are likely to run into are breeds derived from the Mallard, so yes, they can interbreed. Some crosses aren't a great idea, due to differences in body type, and if we are talking Calls and Pekins, size becomes an issue
With the exception of the Muscovies and Mandarins, almost all of the ducks you are likely to run into are breeds derived from the Mallard, so yes, they can interbreed. Some crosses aren't a great idea, due to differences in body type, and if we are talking Calls and Pekins, size becomes an issue
Anconas are not derived from the Mallards either...
My hatch is over. 10 hatched out of 15. Opened up the duds and had two late quitters, one pipped into vein and another pipped internally but died before getting through the shell.

Then I lost two chicks :( one hatched with intestines hanging out I think? Another was slow yesterday and I found it dead this morning. So I am down to 8 chicks.
I can't get a pic yet, but I have 10 quail out! They are such adorable little things.
YAY!!!! Just use big shoebox or something similar for them for a couple days & put shavings in the bottom. I always stuff tissues in my water container for them for the 1st week too. If you use rocks or marbles thy can get their legs caught between them & still drown. With tissues they just walk right across the surface & suck the water out of the tissues. Depending on how big your feed crumbles are you may need to crush it up a bit for a couple days so they can eat it easier. My crumbles always seem to be small enough, so I rarely have to crush mine.

Quote: Didn't know that about the Anconas. Wonder if they would make mules like the scovies do if you cross breed them.

My hatch is over. 10 hatched out of 15. Opened up the duds and had two late quitters, one pipped into vein and another pipped internally but died before getting through the shell.

Then I lost two chicks
one hatched with intestines hanging out I think? Another was slow yesterday and I found it dead this morning. So I am down to 8 chicks.

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