**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Quote: I had a feeling that's what they were when I saw them. They kept me up most of the night.

Quote: They are! I was scared to pick them up at first because of how small they are!
mrshaggie are you asking if you should candle your eggs or how to candle eggs?

If I should...but I did..I have one that looks like it pipped internally (although I'm not sure what that looks like) but I'm not noticing movement in any but maybe 2...and only one for sure....both of them that I thought I saw movement in, I also *thought* I heard tapping back when I tapped, and one looks like it's trying to pip internally right now...the one that looked perfect and was really lively and due today doesn't have any obvious movement today, and doesn't tap back or look to have internally pipped...but it was rocking earlier, so I figured I could wait and see since it's due today...should I try to put a pinhole in the one that looks like it pipped internally even though it doesn't seem to have any movement? It's really hard to tell anything because the duck eggs are hard to see through (especially filled with duckling!) How long should I wait for the one that looked like it was trying to pip internally to pip externally before I try to assist? (I don't want to assist at all, but I don't want to lose the only duckling I might get if I can help it, and it's almost a full day late right now...I'm worried if I wait too long, it will just die. :/) Thanks for any help!
mrshaggie I would recommend not doing anything. One day late is not a big thing especially if your temps were running a little low. I would leave them all in the incubator. If you assist now, I think you will regret it. Let them pip on their own.
mrshaggie I would recommend not doing anything. One day late is not a big thing especially if your temps were running a little low. I would leave them all in the incubator. If you assist now, I think you will regret it. Let them pip on their own.

Ok, I'm going to wait. The one that looks like it already pipped internally there is a really slightly light brown/yellowish ring around the air-sac...could it be shrink wrapping? The lowest my humidity has been during lock down is 55%, but it's been closer to 65% most of the time...I added another thing with water to bump it up a little more since I heard that ducks need it pretty high...this is all so new and foreign to me. :/
mrshaggie, I am not sure about ducks since I haven't hatched them before. I honestly don't pay much attention to the "exact humidity" in my bators any more. I put a bunch of paper towels in the bottom at lockdown, get them wet and just squirt more water on them when they look dry until the hatch is done. I just got too crazy trying to keep an exact humidity with hydrometers that may or may not be working correctly. From what I have seen, duck eggs need quite a bit of humidity for hatching but what that number should be, I don't know. The best way to up humidity is to increase surface space of the water. That is why many people will use a sponge or feminine napkin and I use the paper towels. Hope this makes sense.

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