**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

My last chick to hatch who spent a couple of days in the shell after pipping looks like he has a bit of splayed/spraddle leg. He is a runt compared to his brothers/sisters and has a bit of trouble walking. Here are some pictures of the little guy:

Is it bad enough to splint? Should I separate him with the smallest hatch mate to increase his chance of survival or should I just hope for the best?
The small, weakest poult died. It was not thriving at all, so I held it for a time, then tucked it under Punkin so it could pass all cozy and next to a heartbeat.

So there's just the one poult now, with five tutor chicks. Doing very well, though.
My last chick to hatch who spent a couple of days in the shell after pipping looks like he has a bit of splayed/spraddle leg. He is a runt compared to his brothers/sisters and has a bit of trouble walking. Here are some pictures of the little guy:

Is it bad enough to splint? Should I separate him with the smallest hatch mate to increase his chance of survival or should I just hope for the best?
It doesn't look bad to me but it can't hurt to splint, right? I had a turkey poult hatch that had one leg out front and one in back, like it was doing the splits. It couldn't walk AT ALL. So my teenage DD splinted it with a bandaid and it fixed it right up. We took the bandaid off last night and it is running around so well I no longer know which one it was.

The small, weakest poult died. It was not thriving at all, so I held it for a time, then tucked it under Punkin so it could pass all cozy and next to a heartbeat.

So there's just the one poult now, with five tutor chicks. Doing very well, though.
So sorry for your loss. These little guys seem so fragile to get started and then they hit 2 weeks old and they suddenly just take off, hardy as can be.
The newer ones have plastic gears - but older ones have metal and that is why yours is still running great. Mine is over 15 years old and runs well and hope it continues to.
Yes, the new ones have plastic gears but they replace them with metal if they break. If you buy a new one, work it hard for the warranty period.
Ok, I think I need advice from someone who uses Oxine. Since Jan, I have been battling with some kind of CRD. It started with my rooster who has crud that closed his eye completely. He and another with bubbly eye were treated with Liquamycin LA200 (Oxytetracycline) for 3 days & quarantined from the flock. When all seemed better, they were returned. Since then, my friend & I both have been dealing with rattly breathing, runny noses & wheezing. We have used both the Liquamycin & Tylan 200. I even treated the entire flock with tetracyclines in the drinking water for 10 days. I finally thought I had this thing beat, but yesterday, a couple of my pullets had closed eyes. I now have 5 birds in QT. My youngest bird that is sick is only 6 weeks old. The rest have been hatched in Jan or Feb and are almost full size birds. I was thinking about just giving the pullets 1/4cc instead of 1/2cc of the Tylan (orally), but not sure what to dose (if even) the 6 week old. I have read about people using Oxine to mist the birds (like a nebulizer). I have the means to do that, but since I never worked with the Oxine yet, I wanted some advice before trying it. I do not have the crystals to activate it since I read that was not safe to use around animals that way.

These birds are pets, so please hold comments that say to cull. I cannot kill a living creature! I'm tapped out financially since I have not worked in 7 months, so the vet option is out at this time, but I have discussed maybe splitting the cost with my friend to have a sick bird checked out. I do believe this is the same thing we are dealing with. I also make sure to shower & wear clean clothes & bleach my shoes before and after going to her farm so as not to spread anything further.

I am really at my wits end here. I'm ready to just open up the pens & let all the birds go.
Ok, I think I need advice from someone who uses Oxine. Since Jan, I have been battling with some kind of CRD. It started with my rooster who has crud that closed his eye completely. He and another with bubbly eye were treated with Liquamycin LA200 (Oxytetracycline) for 3 days & quarantined from the flock. When all seemed better, they were returned. Since then, my friend & I both have been dealing with rattly breathing, runny noses & wheezing. We have used both the Liquamycin & Tylan 200. I even treated the entire flock with tetracyclines in the drinking water for 10 days. I finally thought I had this thing beat, but yesterday, a couple of my pullets had closed eyes. I now have 5 birds in QT. My youngest bird that is sick is only 6 weeks old. The rest have been hatched in Jan or Feb and are almost full size birds. I was thinking about just giving the pullets 1/4cc instead of 1/2cc of the Tylan (orally), but not sure what to dose (if even) the 6 week old. I have read about people using Oxine to mist the birds (like a nebulizer). I have the means to do that, but since I never worked with the Oxine yet, I wanted some advice before trying it. I do not have the crystals to activate it since I read that was not safe to use around animals that way.

These birds are pets, so please hold comments that say to cull. I cannot kill a living creature! I'm tapped out financially since I have not worked in 7 months, so the vet option is out at this time, but I have discussed maybe splitting the cost with my friend to have a sick bird checked out. I do believe this is the same thing we are dealing with. I also make sure to shower & wear clean clothes & bleach my shoes before and after going to her farm so as not to spread anything further.

I am really at my wits end here. I'm ready to just open up the pens & let all the birds go.
Can you bring yourself to send one for culling and a Necropsy?

If one dies you need to send it in for sure! It is free for Us California residents.

The form is here: http://www.cahfs.ucdavis.edu/local-assets/pdfs/StandardSubmissionFormFeb-2011.pdf

UC DAVIS FEDEX INFO: Their account # is 364343981. If you use their account number you will get to use UC Davis's discount which is up to 70% off. They said that they will bill you for the shipment after you get the report (or at the same time.) Also, FedEx and UPS both ship to the actual lab every day... the Postal Service doesn't.

CAHFS - Davis Laboratory
University of California
West Health Sciences Drive
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-752-8700
Fax: 530-752-6253
[email protected]
CAHFS - San Bernardino Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Hailu Kinde
105 W. Central Avenue
San Bernardino, CA
Phone: (909) 383-4287
Fax: (909) 884-5980
[email protected]
CAHFS - Tulare Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Patricia Blanchard
18830 Road 112
Tulare, CA
Phone: (559) 688-7543
Fax: (559) 686-4231
[email protected]
CAHFS - Turlock Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Bruce Charlton
1550 Soderquist Rd.
Turlock, CA
Phone: (209) 634-5837
Fax: (209) 667-4261
[email protected]
Wow, thanks all for the advice. I'm so glad I asked as I was picturing going down to Walmart and looking at the available offerings
. My last machine I bought at a yard sale for $25 and used it for years without any issues and made so many things with it. If only it didn't get damaged in a move (international move so it was in a shipping crate for weeks). I don't tend to stop at yard sales very often, especially when I'm not looking for anything in particular but maybe its time I stopped at a few and see what I find. Love the tip on metal gears - I never would have thought to look at that.

I never would have thought of it either...until I bought a cheapie Brother (well, it was still $100, but cheap for a sewing machine) at Walmart, and sewed something that was apprently a little too heavy and it warped the gears. :/ It lasted about 2 years until that happened.

Wait a darn minute! This hatch ain't over just yet! Four tutors hatched out overnight and the first of my BR turkeys is pipping!

The EEs made it through the night! They still aren't completely out yet and one has broken its yolk sack, but they are both still alive and making lots of noise! I have hope for them.

Haha that's adorable! She's a little crazy chicken lady in the making!

I had no idea kitchenaids now have plastic gears! Lame! Luckily mine is like 25 years old! haha! Still runs like a champ, and it's green to match my kitchen! :)
I just have to post this picture of my granddaughter that my daughter sent me. She loves her Maymi's "caw-koos" and spends as much time as she can with them when she comes to visit. She has plastic, crocheted, stuffed and other chickens that she loves to play with......but I don't recall ever candling eggs with her.
She's trying to candle a plastic egg that obviously doesn't have any development.........just like SCG.....
......do I need to start worrying? She is 2 and 1/2......
Oh yeah, she's gonna want her own chickens and an incubator next! LOL I have a grand daughter who used to crow. "Taco Bella Doooo" Yeah, she thought the chickens wanted to eat. Then I have a cockerel and I said rooster and she told me I was wrong cause it didn't have a hook. My daughter and I didn't get it at first and then my daughter says "Oh, she means the hook nail!" I said "Oh, you mean a spurs!" Yeah the grand kids will pick up things much faster. LOL
Ok, I think I need advice from someone who uses Oxine. Since Jan, I have been battling with some kind of CRD. It started with my rooster who has crud that closed his eye completely. He and another with bubbly eye were treated with Liquamycin LA200 (Oxytetracycline) for 3 days & quarantined from the flock. When all seemed better, they were returned. Since then, my friend & I both have been dealing with rattly breathing, runny noses & wheezing. We have used both the Liquamycin & Tylan 200. I even treated the entire flock with tetracyclines in the drinking water for 10 days. I finally thought I had this thing beat, but yesterday, a couple of my pullets had closed eyes. I now have 5 birds in QT. My youngest bird that is sick is only 6 weeks old. The rest have been hatched in Jan or Feb and are almost full size birds. I was thinking about just giving the pullets 1/4cc instead of 1/2cc of the Tylan (orally), but not sure what to dose (if even) the 6 week old. I have read about people using Oxine to mist the birds (like a nebulizer). I have the means to do that, but since I never worked with the Oxine yet, I wanted some advice before trying it. I do not have the crystals to activate it since I read that was not safe to use around animals that way.

These birds are pets, so please hold comments that say to cull. I cannot kill a living creature! I'm tapped out financially since I have not worked in 7 months, so the vet option is out at this time, but I have discussed maybe splitting the cost with my friend to have a sick bird checked out. I do believe this is the same thing we are dealing with. I also make sure to shower & wear clean clothes & bleach my shoes before and after going to her farm so as not to spread anything further.

I am really at my wits end here. I'm ready to just open up the pens & let all the birds go.
There are some great threads on here about Oxine. I make sure I always have it, I use it for the incubator, the pens and coops and around my fences. To many feral birds. It's great in the house too. If we have a cold or the flu, I spray it in the air all over the house and where I'm usually sick for a long time, even if I am, I can breath and most times if only one person is sick, not one else gets sick. I love that stuff. DON'T use the citric acid unless you have a respirator. It can be lethal. I got my first order as a package and I know I can use it for other things, but have never even opened it. I think it's Reliance??? That I order mine from. I always do it when they have free shipping. Oxine costs enough, but shipping makes it so much more. I know there are BYC members that also sell it and you can get I think a Qt size bottle? Not sure. I bought the gallons. Wish I could remember who sold in on here though. maybe it's something that BYC should add to their store, cause a lot of us use it. You can mix it in a spray bottle and cover a dog crate with a towel and mist the bird that way. I saw that several people had done that and as far as I remember it worked.
I still have a few eggs wiggling in the bator from this hatch but here is the current count from the past week & a half:
7 pekins from my eggs
4 pekins from shipped eggs
2 silkies from my eggs
2 calls from my eggs
4 cochin cross from my eggs
1 runner from my eggs
4 rouens from shipped eggs
4 bantam buff orps from shipped eggs

I had a bunch of others set, mostly shipped eggs, that did not fare well. My son's class hatched out 3 of the buffs & 5 ducks Mon-Thurs & the silkies finished hatching last night & were sold & picked up by noon today.

I have to sort through birds this week to see what stays & what goes. I have a swap meet next weekend so will be without a computer all weekend.
I just have to post this picture of my granddaughter that my daughter sent me. She loves her Maymi's "caw-koos" and spends as much time as she can with them when she comes to visit. She has plastic, crocheted, stuffed and other chickens that she loves to play with......but I don't recall ever candling eggs with her.
She's trying to candle a plastic egg that obviously doesn't have any development.........just like SCG.....
......do I need to start worrying? She is 2 and 1/2......
Now this is how the addiction begins.

That reminds me............................when I was about 12, my dad came home from golfing with two duck eggs he had picked up along the edge of the water hazard. I forgot I had tried to incubate them with a light bulb (well before the days of the internet so I'd actually have known what I was doing).

She's starting even younger and has you for a mentor!

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