**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

The hatching eggs from Wisher1000 came this morning! She even sent me extras!
Out of 16 eggs, 2 were broken, 2 have detached air cells, 2 have weird air cells that are in the right place, and 10 have good looking air cells in the right place! Thank you Wisher! I am looking forward to this hatch!

How can ya'll tell if an air cell is detached? and what do ya'll do with egg? I'm suspecting at least two of some eggs i got today have it.......

Sally has a thread about it!

Candle from the big end and turn the egg to the side. A detached air cell will move towards the side of the egg.

Incubate them with the big end up and leave them that way when you set up for hatching. Use egg cartons to hold them at hatch. It is also a good idea to draw the outline of the air cell as it develops so that you can make sure the chick pips into the air cell. If it does not, then you have to worry about it drowning. If it pips in the wrong place you need to make sure the pip is clear so that the chick can breath.

I hope this helps!
My bio security was so vigilant back then! I can't believe how lax it was earlier this year (insert emoticon for beating myself on my head here).
ThaiDye, no need to beat yourself up. We all make mistakes sometimes. As long as you are not selling birds or hatching eggs, you shouldn't have to cull any of them unless one gets really sick.
I got lucky one time before I knew about biosecurity and the CRDs chooks can carry. As I learned about them, I realized how lucky I was. Never bringing home birds again uless they are chicks from the feed store. You will get through this.

My last hatch in that incubator this time around started last night. So far I have 4 chicks and 2 more pips out of 12 shipped eggs. Not too shabby so far considering I never candled these eggs, forgot how long they were in the incubator (I found they were hatching when I went to add water last night) and they are filthy from multiple hatches and chicks/poults lounging on them after hatching.

They are my first cornish (not cross) and I've got a couple of lofty ideas about combining them with the jersey giant roo I have or the delaware cross meat birds I hatched out with the turkeys.

They will be a tad different from the banty crosses BF disemboweled last year.
Remember we are going to "trade" next year if you get eggs!

BF should be able to get his hands in them much easier but not as easy as the turkeys!
ThaiDye, no need to beat yourself up. We all make mistakes sometimes. As long as you are not selling birds or hatching eggs, you shouldn't have to cull any of them unless one gets really sick.
I got lucky one time before I knew about biosecurity and the CRDs chooks can carry. As I learned about them, I realized how lucky I was. Never bringing home birds again uless they are chicks from the feed store. You will get through this.

Remember we are going to "trade" next year if you get eggs!

BF should be able to get his hands in them much easier but not as easy as the turkeys!

Not a problem.
I keep trying to get a pic of the EE chick, but I have one major problem. I can't walk. I also wanted to get a video of the ducklings swimming. That didn't happen either. This is driving me nuts! I still need to clean out both brooders and I can't even do that.
I had to ask Blu to get the quail and chicks more food. I can't stand it when I can't do what I need to.
I keep trying to get a pic of the EE chick, but I have one major problem. I can't walk. I also wanted to get a video of the ducklings swimming. That didn't happen either. This is driving me nuts! I still need to clean out both brooders and I can't even do that.
I had to ask Blu to get the quail and chicks more food. I can't stand it when I can't do what I need to.
I'm so sorry. I had bed rest with most of mine, but the only time I wasn't able to get up and move because I had to, was mostly with my oldest son. Also couldn't sleep in a bed. Also had to be in a soft rocker with one leg lifted to a chair to sleep. I could barely walk with him and I have never had a stomach while pregnant. I do know! I feel for you and I know it's frustrating. You need to worry more about you and that little guy of yours and get someone to help. I didn't have help, so when someone can, I tell them to grab it! LOL If you're swollen I hope you're elevating. Since I couldn't use it for anything else at the time, I tilted the seat on my weight bench as far as I could and laid there with my feet up. Then laid the other way and then feet up again. It helped a lot with swollen ankles and legs. I had babies that thought my pelvis was the place they needed to put their heads and do tricks. I remind them of that. Not often, but when I need ammo.
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Quote: Since I've pretty much stopped eating anything with salt in or on it I haven't had many problems with swelling. My hip finally stopped hurting so much, but now it's getting too dark outside to clean. Tomorrow I know I'm going to be in pain since we have to go grocery shopping.
Either I go or I end up with a whole bunch of stuff I can't eat because my dad doesn't listen when I say I can't have a lot of salt. Something he shouldn't be eating anyways.
I am up to 8 cornish chicks and I think there's one more egg pipped. Can't believe that from neglected, shipped eggs. Even if I end up with only 8/12 that's phenomenal. They are wicked cute.

I have one turkey (the first one that hatched) that is in love with me. It cries to be picked up, and will just snuggle down and go to sleep in my hands. Hard to get work done, but just about the most awesome thing in the world.

to everyone having bad luck. Focus on the good, no matter how small it is.

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