**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Had to take the youngsters out today to clean their brooder. They got to play in their playpen for a little while. They weren't too sure about this "outside" stuff but they did start picking at the grass a bit.

I have fabric & feed sacks both available!!! Just let me know if you want fabric aprons, feed sack aprons, & full or half length.
( I will drag the sewing machine out for turkey eggs.
HOT tamales!! I need the kind that my hens can wear for keeping their skins...the boys are focused on one or two of their hens in a few of the flocks, and so apparently I have two VERY sexy lemon cuckoo hens, a fireball goddess banty cochin, and 3 bom-chicka-bow-wow Chocolate Ameraucana pullets. Doesn't matter what the other hens in these pens look like...these are the hot babes. I've watched the boys walk right past a squatting hen to chase one of the bare babes. It's just wrong.

Can you make aprons like this?

That's what I need...like 6 of them big enough for a fluffy Orp. I'd sooooo trade turkey eggs for those!!
Quote: He will eat just about any jelly, jam, butter, spread, pickle, relish, etc. We go through a TON of crackers when he has homemade stuff to spread on them...LOL
My cousin apparently took the last of the jelly.
Good thing we have enough blackberries to make more. Now, if only he'd return the jars so we COULD make more.

Looks like a phone call & then a visit are in order if the threat of "no more jelly until you return my jars" doesn't work.
He's here almost every day so no call necessary, just a good old fashioned threat.
I think we have around 3 empty jars left from around 20 we bought last year around this time. Some of them might be floating around and I just haven't noticed. We have around 10 to 15 pounds of berries in the freezer from the past few weeks.
HOT tamales!! I need the kind that my hens can wear for keeping their skins...the boys are focused on one or two of their hens in a few of the flocks, and so apparently I have two VERY sexy lemon cuckoo hens, a fireball goddess banty cochin, and 3 bom-chicka-bow-wow Chocolate Ameraucana pullets. Doesn't matter what the other hens in these pens look like...these are the hot babes. I've watched the boys walk right past a squatting hen to chase one of the bare babes. It's just wrong.

Can you make aprons like this?

That's what I need...like 6 of them big enough for a fluffy Orp. I'd sooooo trade turkey eggs for those!!

If you sew those are actually pretty easy to make.
Quote: Yep, I can do those. I think I actually have a couple sitting around already that may be big enough for your girls. PM me with measurement from top of "shoulders" between the wings to the base of the tail & I will double check to make sure they will work. If not, I will just make more. As you can see from my swap page, I have plenty of fabric laying around.

Quote: I sew, I've just been too lazy to fish the machine out lately...LOL
As soon as I get this brooder out of my kitchen, the sewing machine will be coming back.
I tossed my big brooder outside & put a roof over it. The other brooder is right outside my bedroom door in the "chick room." I also have a little brooder there but it's empty right now & I'm trying to save it for quail. I tossed 5 kittens out the door this week, so that made some room...LOL They were over 10 weeks old & Momma is out there with them so they are doing fine & loving it. I have to get a couple pens built this weekend to move ducks out of my waterfowl grow-out pen so I can move some more younger waterfowl out there & shuffle the brooders to make room for the rest of what is hatching. I think 3 new pens will be sufficient for THIS week.
Quote: Yep, I can do those. I think I actually have a couple sitting around already that may be big enough for your girls. PM me with measurement from top of "shoulders" between the wings to the base of the tail & I will double check to make sure they will work. If not, I will just make more. As you can see from my swap page, I have plenty of fabric laying around.

Quote: I sew, I've just been too lazy to fish the machine out lately...LOL
Lordy, yes, but between the full-time job (with travel), the breeding facility with ~600 birds right now, the hubby and two teen girls (whom I homeschool!!) I'm unable to get 'er done...so my girls are bald and sunburned. It would be a fine trade! :p

The sewing machine is under the dining table between the huge box of chocolate from one company I broker and the huge box of raw macaroons from another vendor. I think the 6 cases of salsa are behind it...
Lordy, yes, but between the full-time job (with travel), the breeding facility with ~600 birds right now, the hubby and two teen girls (whom I homeschool!!) I'm unable to get 'er done...so my girls are bald and sunburned. It would be a fine trade! :p

The sewing machine is under the dining table between the huge box of chocolate from one company I broker and the huge box of raw macaroons from another vendor. I think the 6 cases of salsa are behind it...

Aren't you downsizing?

I have trouble keeping track of 30 birds....

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