Second pullet laying!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 21, 2014
My second SH pullet started laying today (well, yesterday- I got delayed posting). I included some pictures so you can see the difference in egg sizes. Her's was REALLY small, but today is better in size.

The first photo shows (L) my Swedish Flower Hen's current lay size beside her first pullet egg (yes I kept it- I blew out the yolk). The pen in the center gives you an idea of size. On the right is my Svart Höna's current lay size (she's only been laying about 2 weeks) beside the pullet egg of her flockmate.

This photo is (almost) all pullet eggs. Left is my SFH's pullet egg, then to the right of the pen is my SH (GFF) first pullet egg (about 90% sure- she started laying during a snowstorm when NO ONE was laying so I wasn't checking the box everyday and when I did there were about 5 eggs in there). 3rd egg is ECF pullet egg, and last is current lay size for my GFF girl.

And yes... they all have names but I doubt everyone would remember them like I do! Haha! I'm collecting them now so hopefully after I get all my shipping supplies those on my "tester" list will get a shipment next week. My lines are: Rooster: GreenFire Farm, Hen 1: GreenFire Farm (unrelated), Hen 2: Ewe Crazy Farm. I'm asking $15 an egg plus shipping- but if any are broken or simply unfertile- or there is any problem I will send you replacements at no charge (if you pay shipping).
I just don't have the room right now to incubate and raise chicks, and I'm more comfortable shipping eggs than chicks. I'm also very rural so no one around here would pay more than $5 for a chick! They would think I was insane!
I'm buying foam egg shippers and trying to make sure the eggs are delivered safely. But honestly I love my chickens and it's a hobby, not a business. I love the Scandinavian (specially Swedish) breeds. Thanks everyone with your help and advice. Hopefully I can have some eggs sent off soon!
Sounds like your birds are off to a great start! I sent you a PM about your eggs.
Thank you! I got your message and replied. I'm just not usually online until later evening so that's when I get to my messages. They are forwarded to my email so I read them in case of emergency (you should make a note if you need to hear back ASAP), but I usually only have my phone and don't get on my PC until night. I'm a night owl. Or....equivalent that wouldn't eat chickens.

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