Secret Swappers

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Well if that don't beat all. that's the second time on this group i've been hosed.
i can only assume she was banned for something sneaky, underhanded or the like. I don't know. I would like to not think such bad things about anyone but after going through the scam with 'poultryisgood', i guess all things are possible. A sure shame too cause i enjoyed chatting with her. I know she seemed to enjoy the things i shipped her.
Yeah, with how close this board can get, we all have to remember it is an open public board that ANYONE can join. Scammers included. That sucks you got hosed twice!!!
alaskanhebhouse.....I am soooo very sorry you was "hosed" That just SUCKS!! I havent heard from my partner either...she got the package I sent her tho....but she has been "busy" with kid and all....Jeesh, im so very sorry. I thought I was the only one that got "hosed" in these things!
Aw Deb, I'm SO sorry. My life is TOTAL chaos right now.

I do have your box, we are just flat busted broke. The hubby is the sole income and has not worked for a month due to his surgery, and now another mouth to feed. I've been trying to figure out how I'm gonna feed the chickens this week.

I promise promise promise to get your stuff out as soon as I possibly can. Please don't feel you've been cheated.

Jess.....Its ok...I know you are going through a tough time. I didnt mean to imply I was getting cheated on this swap. I have been in a few others...and always seem to get the dud. LOL Altho....I keep joining in! Poor DH, just rolls his eyes at me every time I tell him I am in another swap...I DO know how tough times can be...luckily my gals lay enough...most of the time, to cover thier feed. I just dont tell them they are paying for the Roosters and Turkeys feed too! They MIGHT go on strike! LOL my first box..I sent a prepaid she could order her own ducks...then a few other items..egg basket...magnet with chickies on it. I cant remember what all I put in there. The second one...was items she collected...and a few plants...Hens and chicks of course! LOL and a few other items. Once the swap partners were just chat with your partner..and see what each other might want, need, or like...then come together on when to send it out. Its really alot of fun...
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