See any rookie mistakes in my tractor?

Cherry Bird

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Olympia, WA
Please let me know if you see any rookie mistakes in the tractor we've planned. I'm coming up with the general idea and it is my husband's job to make it work, bless his heart.

Run 4x8 feet
Detachable coop 3x4 feet
7 feet of roost inside
5 feet of roost outside
ramp slope about .7
No, I don't plan to put a purple roof on the coop...unless 3 tab comes in purple.

Here are my questions
1) I plan to have two roosts perpendicular to each other and one slightly higher than the other. See green crayon in drawing. Is that a bad idea?
2) I plan to put four 6 in x 12 in soffit vents in. (The drawing is wrong.) Two in the front, two in the back. Is this sufficient for the pacific northwest?
3) Is 6 inches off the coop floor too low for next boxes?
4) Is the roost in the run a bad idea? It will be 2.5 feet off the ground. Most tractors I see don't have a roost.

Thank you for your help!

Looks similar to my setup. I can probably share some of my (limited) experience. How many chickens do you have?

Oh, but I love the crayon. Especially the purple. I think it would look lovely on a coop!
I think you have the making of a good tractor, I know it's just a rough draft, the details is what is going to make it a successful coop/tractor for you and your chickens.. for instance making sure that it is rain proof is important, and that it is varmitt proof, also that you are able to clean it out without much hassle, plan to how you are going to set up your feeding and watering systems and how you are going to collect the eggs, and clean the nesting area. I would look at some designs here on the site and see what you feel would work for you in your situation... post pics when your finished with your project!!!
If that's what fits, I don't think it would be bad. I think it depends on how many chickens you have. If you're planning to have food/water in the coop, you'll want to make sure you have space for it that won't be pooped on under the roosts.

Again, this is going to depend on how many chickens you have. A window (open in the summer) would be a nice addition even if it doesn't get too hot where you are. Is there anything on the wall opposite the plexiglass door?

Nope. Mine use the nest boxes at floor level with no problem.

Nope. I have a mini-roost in mine. The hens like it. It's a bit of a pain for me, though, because I need to get into the run. I still retrieve silly hens who want to sleep in the run. I insist that they sleep in the coop at night.

I'm a little curious about how you plan to detach and move the coop and run. That's been a bit of a pain for me. Will you be using the space under the coop for shade for the chickens?
I haven't decided if we are going to feed them with standard equipment or rig something fancy and space saving.

A window, you say? We have more cold days here than we have warm ones, that is for sure.

I don't plant to detach the coop regularly. I have a 16 by 24 fully fenced garden and I want to place the coop in the garden for part of the winter.

Yes, the space under the coop is shade. I might add more protection from the rain in winter.

I plan 5 Welsummers.

Thank you for your thoughts!
With 5 in that coop space I would do a couple of things. 1st I would def. use a poop board if it will fit. 2nd I would make a PVC type feeder that hangs on outside but punches thru a wall for inside food. I think you are pushing it for 5 hens in there and should go larger if at all possible. The run is probably ok except I would not do a roost in there. For the exact reason already stated, they may want to sleep outside on that one. Might not be a problem if you feel that the run is made well enough to keep others things out....but it is a big risk.
Yellow and Purple? Are you a crazy Vikings fan?

There are so many different plans for coops and tractors out here, it is just dizzying. Yours looks like it should work fine.
If you put the roost in the run after they are used to sleeping in the coop and make it lower than the one in the coop, you shouldn't have a problem. I have a large tree branch in my run for my girls to climb on and they still go into their house to sleep. But the tree branch is about 2 feet lower than their roost and I didn't put the branch in until they were used to sleeping in the coop. Also, the branch is smaller than their roost and less comfy to sleep on.

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