seeds vs starts....

I love to save petunia seeds.  collect them every where I go.

My favorite petunias are the striped ones. My grandmother had red and white striped ones every year when I was growing up. I only see them once in a great while anymore. I have grown petunias from seeds for the last few years but, alas, no stripes!
Oh yeah... If you're ever in Maine, and see a lady bending over the petunia beds at McDonalds... and every other public planting, Doing a little dead heading, and stuffing mature seed heads in her pocket... that's probably me. From July to November, my pockets always have at least a few collected seeds in them. That's ok about them reverting to the magenta... I like that color too, and it's super hardy!
Ooooh, Petunias! Yet another tray to squeeze in...!

Question: a more durable flats tray? I have been using the commercial (HD, L, etc.) plastic trays to hold everything and protect surfaces from spills. I find them ridiculously flimsy and short-lived, end up doubling the trays. And I get two seasons maybe before breakage. I have been seeding in the flats and potting up to cups, soda bottles, tin cans. Those get dumped into recycling and the trays stored in the shed.
If you think it's worth the expense go for it. We get then free but check out a green house and ask what they use. I bet they'll give you some.
I tried starting seedlings indoors, I used the Farmer's Almanac to predict starting times and planting times, and lost about 3/4 of my garden. The next year I just put out seeds as soon as the ground was workable, and let them start on their own when they wanted. That was the most productive garden I've ever had. My biggest problem now is keeping the chickens out of my seedlings...

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