Seeking opinions about breeding and starting a branch of a certain type of breed.

My roosters comb is oddly made of black white feathers. Does he have to be a certain age for his comb he is five months old and as for his parents I have no idea. I recused him from someone living in Seattle WA.
Combs are not made of feathers, crests are made of feathers.

Yes I understand that.

He has a stubby red flubbed nob. However where the normal comb would be... Is feathers like a Mohawk.
Anyone have any idea why two hens who act broody or moody since the rooster is. It doing his duty?

I thought I might have a gay rooster no action. I mean NONE at all what so ever!!!!!!!
However he just wants to fight the other rooster. I mean it's his choice of gender sure but he is not even hiding in the corner taking care of his prostate.

What's wrong with my rooster??????????? Or are the hens just backed up ???

White Leghorn are the most prolific purebred layers, followed by Minorca's and other light Mediterranean breeds. They are also some of the oldest.

Cuckoo Marans and Penedesenca lay the darkest eggs.

Are you in the US???
Yes Iam in the us.

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