Seems like it took FOREVER!!

I need everyone to send good vibes my way. I have 5 hens that are twenty weeks... Show some signs but not many!!! I would love to be left an eggy present!!!!! Thursday is my procedure I have been stressing over. I think a day before the day would be a great day to lay!!!!!! That way I can relax drink beer, be with my kids outside and any other friend and find an egg!!!!!!!!! Good vibes people!!!! Though I know it's okay if it doesn't happen!!!
I need everyone to send good vibes my way. I have 5 hens that are twenty weeks... Show some signs but not many!!! I would love to be left an eggy present!!!!! Thursday is my procedure I have been stressing over. I think a day before the day would be a great day to lay!!!!!! That way I can relax drink beer, be with my kids outside and any other friend and find an egg!!!!!!!!! Good vibes people!!!! Though I know it's okay if it doesn't happen!!!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... That's me sending good vibes!
And I'll drink a beer with you for good measure!
No egg today.
I only have one hen, my red sex link, laying. I shouldn't be too sad though. I think she's laid for at least nine days straight. I'm going to keep track this time to see how many days she really does lay in a row. I'm still waiting on the other eight hens of various breeds and ages.
That's so awesome for you! How exciting! I'm jealous, though. Im still in the 4-and-a-half months of waiting stage. Although hopefully only 4 and a bit months- I can hardly wait for my girls to start laying! Once the lazy freeloaders start 'paying rent', though, I'm sure the wait will be worth it. And Pinkmartin73, I really hope mine will do the same thing. It would be crazy -crazy awesome!!!- to have my six lay for the first time all over a few days. So excited, and congratulations to other people, and their hens, for their first/ umpteenth eggs.

I actually had "extra" eggs today. Gave some away. I boiled 6 to give to my grandpa. He had chickens back before I came along but didn't remember pullet eggs. He said his all laid big eggs. Lol when I'm 88 I may not remember pullet eggs either. If I'm blessed enough to see 88 and still know who my family is it'll still be a win. He sure was impressed by the blue eggs even if they are small. That made my day.
I need everyone to send good vibes my way. I have 5 hens that are twenty weeks... Show some signs but not many!!! I would love to be left an eggy present!!!!! Thursday is my procedure I have been stressing over. I think a day before the day would be a great day to lay!!!!!! That way I can relax drink beer, be with my kids outside and any other friend and find an egg!!!!!!!!! Good vibes people!!!! Though I know it's okay if it doesn't happen!!!

I'll do my very best! :fl good luck! (Both with eggs and the procedure)
No egg today. :(  I only have one hen, my red sex link, laying.  I shouldn't be too sad though.  I think she's laid for at least nine days straight.  I'm going to keep track this time to see how many days she really does lay in a row.  I'm still waiting on the other eight hens of various breeds and ages.  

Aww she's making up for the others. Lol both my EEs were laying daily. Now they lay alternate days. Don't know why. Goofy birds.
I got a really weird shaped rubber egg today. I think one of my rir girls is having trouble figuring out the whole egg business. She left this gift in the kiddie pool. (Yes my girls have a kiddie pool with sand and a lil water in it. They LOVE it. It keeps them cool and I'm back to 5 or 6 eggs a day since adding it) The egg was broken in the water. They couldn't wait for me to clean the mess and reopen the pool.
I got a really weird shaped rubber egg today. I think one of my rir girls is having trouble figuring out the whole egg business. She left this gift in the kiddie pool. (Yes my girls have a kiddie pool with sand and a lil water in it. They LOVE it. It keeps them cool and I'm back to 5 or 6 eggs a day since adding it) The egg was broken in the water. They couldn't wait for me to clean the mess and reopen the pool.

Neat idea with the pool. I got my ducks a new pool and have considered putting their old kiddie pool in the chick pen. Might just do that.
Weird about your rir girl. Keep us posted. I got the same 3 eggs today as the last 2 days. No new layers yet.
Neat idea with the pool. I got my ducks a new pool and have considered putting their old kiddie pool in the chick pen. Might just do that.
Weird about your rir girl. Keep us posted. I got the same 3 eggs today as the last 2 days. No new layers yet.

I put the pool in an area of the run that isnt very level. I used a 70lb bag of sand. Sand is deeper on the higher end of the pool. Then about 3 or 4 gal of water. So they have moist "land" on one side. Water on the other. Just put it in a shady spot. My one EE practically lives in it. The first day having the pool, I sprinkled some scratch in it to encourage them to try it out.
I put the pool in an area of the run that isnt very level. I used a 70lb bag of sand. Sand is deeper on the higher end of the pool. Then about 3 or 4 gal of water. So they have moist "land" on one side. Water on the other. Just put it in a shady spot. My one EE practically lives in it. The first day having the pool, I sprinkled some scratch in it to encourage them to try it out.

Sounds awesome! Thanks again

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