Seems upset with herself...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014

Our Amber Star hen called Amber has so far lay two soft shelled eggs since we've had her. Both times it has happened late at night when she has already laid a normal egg in the morning. When it happens it is always just outside the run too then she goes and sits alone under the coop (it's on short stilts) and seems to be upset, while the rest of the chickens go to bed. She then refuses to go in the coop at night and there is no persuading her. One of us usually has to crawl underneath to grab her and put her in ourselves.

Has anyone else got a chicken that does this, and why do you think she gets so upset about it?

Any help gratefully received.


Our Amber Star hen called Amber has so far lay two soft shelled eggs since we've had her. Both times it has happened late at night when she has already laid a normal egg in the morning. When it happens it is always just outside the run too then she goes and sits alone under the coop (it's on short stilts) and seems to be upset, while the rest of the chickens go to bed. She then refuses to go in the coop at night and there is no persuading her. One of us usually has to crawl underneath to grab her and put her in ourselves.

Has anyone else got a chicken that does this, and why do you think she gets so upset about it?

Any help gratefully received.

Sounds like she is stressed about something. Try giving her electrolytes and plenty of vitamins. She could also have a vitamin deficient cy. That's why I suggested the vitamins and electrolytes. Have you tried forcing her to interact? How does she act? Pale face? Eyes shut all the time? Puffy eyes? Drainage from the mouth? Coughing? Sneezing? Constant sitting?(no interaction with the flock what so ever.) diarrhea? Bloody droppings? Visible wounds? Gurgling in the chest? Gasping for air?
Thanks for your reply. Well usually she is the most interactive friendly bird of the lot. She is a fun quirky little hen. She was her normal self in the day, it was only once she had lay this soft shelled egg that she put herself right in the corner under the coop and refused to budge. She was there a long time till we crawled in to get her. She looks like a very healthy girl, however not the last normal egg but the one before that did have a blood streak on the shell. But to be honest I just put it down to maybe hurting her vent on the way out.

I already give the girls a poultry drink in their water, would that already be enough vitamins for her? Sorry about all the questions, we are still new to this.

Thanks again Claire. x

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