Self Proclaimed Experts - Feedback... negative, sorry


9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Portland, OR
I truly enjoy being on BYC and talking to folks, telling stories, getting GOOD advice, etc. However....

My one gripe, and its major, is that people are totally self-proclaimed "Know it Alls" and often give wrong information, bad advice and generally act like they know what they're talking about, when they don't.

This is NOT helpful to anyone and in fact, could end up being hurtful. It is also very stressful trying to decipher which advice is good and which is bogus.

I think Fact and Opinion get skewed and that is very annoying.
Well, that is the nature of forums. You have all types on here from kids to great grand parents. It is up to the user to discern what is right, wrong, or what idea's they want to follow. This isn't a certified vet q and a, there is no screening of members to ensure they really know anything, so nothing like that can be expected. There are know it alls in every hobby.
It's like that anywhere in internet land.
You bring up a good point. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. On the other hand, this is the internet, so I take everything with a grain of salt. I was just thinking to myself this morning that when I look for info online, I tend to be skeptical and I have to see it repeated from several reputable sources before I will believe anything I read. Just the nature of the internet and online forums.
Agreed! All information should be checked first to be verified, or at least use caution and good judgment when following advice that is given. There is a lot of great advice on BYC, but of course there is some BS lurking about, too. It's good if posters try to be upfront about where the information came from, if they've tried [whatever it is] themselves, their level of expertise, and so on in posts if possible, but like everywhere on the internet information should always be taken with a grain of salt no matter what.
Yes, you are all correct. I just needed to vent a teeny bit, as I asked for advice about intestinal parasites and without even asking any important questions needed to diagnose such an issue, some people basically told me that my chickens were as good as dead, which upset me greatly. After several calls to reputable avian facilities, feed stores and other personal research, I found out they were full of "IT" and I freaked out for nothing.

So, thanks for listening.
It's a community like any other...

Most of the advice here isn't always black and white, right or wrong, or good vs poor advice. As you've found out you need to pick what best applies to your situation or best follows your ideas of how you want to do things. Everybody here means well, but there isn't always a pat answer to every question.
Sometimes people jump to the worst case scenario a bit too quickly--I've had this happen on here before as well. I'm sorry that some of the advice you received upset you!
What has got me very mad lately is people are admitting "breaking all the rules" for hatching. I even read one post where the person helped every chick out after they pip on every hatch!
And there proud of it!

yikes I guess they want sick unhealthy chickens

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