selling eggs


7 Years
Jul 9, 2016
Heard a rumor that folks who sell eggs are starting to get sued by people who buy them! Lawsuits claiming illness etc. Anyone know anything about this? We were thinking of increasing our flock to sell more eggs but not sure now!
I've never heard of that. But honestly, in this day and age of way too many lawsuit crazy people it really wouldn't surprise me! Do you have a link to an article stating this? I would like to read it to see what a judge says about it all. Then again, there are way too many judges that are just as crazy as the lunatics that are suing the pants off of everyone else.
It is a rumor going around the area I live in. I have not looked to see if there any articles written but that might be a good idea. We drink/eat raw dairy products, eat eggs fresh from the chickens etc and have never had any problems. I think people better wake up, we are doing so much damage to the planet with poisons etc. It is time to go back to our origins.
We are selling eggs out of my mother's hometown hair salon, maybe a dozen a day on average or half a dozen. Is there a high risk of being sued? Also could this be covered by her liability insurance? If there is an article written towards this please direct me towards it.

Many thanks,

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