Selling out of some chickens in GA..


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 31, 2008
ok her we go I have the followings...
4 buff orps, from Mcmurry hatchery -1 roo 3 hens..50.00
trio of SLW..-1 roo 2 hens laying 30.00
Welsummers -(about 2 mths from laying)-20.00 for hens(8) and 15.00 for roos(4)
a lot of SLW young hens and roos-8.00 each
15 or so Buff babies ages 3 mths to 6 mths- 8.00 each
1 RIR hen and a few more hens -10.00
2 Americana roos about 6 mths old -8.00
pair of cochins, hen is buff and roo is a black frizzle-30.00
selling out because I need to downsize

I also have 2 black copper roos about 8 mths old -45.00 each
I can say come out if you see what you want make a offer and you might get it please email me @
[email protected] or
[email protected]
this way we can set up a time to come and meet them or see them..
ok sorry for the late reply..
i live in griffin ga if you would like my cell number is 678-544-3686 I would like to move some asap.. I check my emails here about 1 time a day as I have 2 girls that keep me busy running around town all day... just give me a call anytime after 3 pm during the week,
thanks, all
How old are your SLW hens? I'd like a couple to add to my small flock. I'm in Atlanta- any chance we could meet halfway, like at the outlet mall on I75?


My SLW pullets are ....ccome are about 8 mths old and some are around 5-6 mths old, let me know and maybe we could meet halfway
I'd like a couple of the SLW pullets- are any laying yet? I think the ones that you said are about 5-6 months old would be the ones I'd like since the 4 I currently have are about 7 months. If we could meet halfway that would be great. What days can you meet? My work schedule varies from day to day, so I can be pretty flexible on when to meet.


I can only meet on the weekends as thats really the only time I have that is somewhat free.. the pullets are not laying yet but should soon,give me a call this weekend my number is posted above and we can set up a time, thanks,

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