Selling Quail Meat


Jun 19, 2020
England, United Kingdom
If I process quails in the UK, is there any certificate's or any qualifications which I have to get in order to sell to the public?

Also, I happen to be friends with a shop owner. Any similar requirements to give him eggs to sell in the shop?

I'm not in the UK, nor do I process quail, but I'm pretty sure that you need a certificate/ licence.

Check with your local environmental department and/or agriculture department for laws.
you could probably get away with it if you were selling at farmers markets and such. assuming you take care with your products well enough that no ones got a reason to come after you.

eggs, are going to be less of an issue for you then the meat. more chance for it to be contaminated/bad, thus MUCH more regulation.
You shouldn't take any risks with laws and regulations. Just get the proper licenses and you'll be set :)

That's the original question: What licenses? What laws and regulations?

I spent some time searching the internet, and turned up a few things that might help.

If I process quails in the UK, is there any certificate's or any qualifications which I have to get in order to sell to the public?

A page specifically addressing poultry farmers and laws:
"If your business will prepare, store and sell food (that is, if you process your eggs or poultrymeat to add value) you will need to register with your local authority environmental health department. They will inspect your premises and help you to comply with the requirements of the Food Safety Act. You should contact your local authority early on in your planning so that you register in good time. There is no charge for registering."

I happen to be friends with a shop owner. Any similar requirements to give him eggs to sell in the shop?
"If you are thinking of selling quail eggs, there is strangely no legislation in the U.K"

No regulation is strange, considering that there are rules for selling eggs from chickens and most other domesticated birds here:
But sure enough, quail are not on the list.
That's the original question: What licenses? What laws and regulations?

I spent some time searching the internet, and turned up a few things that might help.

A page specifically addressing poultry farmers and laws:
"If your business will prepare, store and sell food (that is, if you process your eggs or poultrymeat to add value) you will need to register with your local authority environmental health department. They will inspect your premises and help you to comply with the requirements of the Food Safety Act. You should contact your local authority early on in your planning so that you register in good time. There is no charge for registering."
"If you are thinking of selling quail eggs, there is strangely no legislation in the U.K"

No regulation is strange, considering that there are rules for selling eggs from chickens and most other domesticated birds here:
But sure enough, quail are not on the list.
Thanks so much for that!
That's answered my question very well.
I really appreciate it when people take the time to answer others questions. :)

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