Selling Turkeys for Thanksgiving


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
Has anyone sold any of their turkeys to customers for Thanksgiving? If so, how much did the turkey weigh and how much did you sell it for? What kind of turkey did you sell?
Heritage birds, RP, Spanish. 2.50 a pound included processing. Biggest bird was almost 12 pounds. They were 6 months old.
Im helping a friend tomorow butcher her last of 45 turkeys -she gets 40$ for one UNPROCESSED 25 lbs and under 45$ if its over. We have 4 more to go and I get a freebie for helping butcher the last 4:) I sold two for her too so I have 3 big turkeys going in my car tomorrow-after processing:)
I paid $5/lb last year for a heritage turkey (processed). This year, in my area, they are running closer to $6+/lb. Bay Area yuppie prices! It's too expensive for me now, am considering raising my own for next year. But even though I processed a chicken I'm not sure I can do a turkey.
Its a shame you are not in Idaho, I would have hooked you up! I am sure you could find a processor willing to do it for a nominal fee in your area, for those who don't want to butcher the fees around here are usually weight dependent but run between 6-9 dollars for heritage birds.
That the turkey is bigger could cause some We had someone butcher are turkeys for us this year. I have seen some threads on here about how people are butchering their turkeys though.
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We've butchered three turkeys. The difficult things (aside from how attached I was!) were the killing cone I bought wasn't really big enough and we had to borrow a gigantic scalding pot. (And wet turkeys are hecka heavy!) But cleaning them is exactly the same.
I am selling 10 heritage birds today. They have been sold since last Thanksgiving. I will be getting $4/lb after dressing out. People that help with the butchering pay $3.50. Live weights last night ranged from 8 pounds for a midget white hen to 30 lbs for a bronze tom, so I expect dressed weights to go from 6 to 22 lbs. Most of the toms will be 14 to 18 lbs. The largest hen I had was 16 lb live.

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