Separate broody hen?


9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
I have a broody hen with a roo in a breeding pen and i was wondering if i should take the roo out? Everytime the roo goes even remotely close to the hen she screeches and i'm just wondering if i should take him out? Any suggestions? I had a different pair in the breeding pen before and the broody didnt screech at the roo. Chickens do have different personalities. I just dont want the roo to be bothering her in anyway to keep the eggs from hatching.
I would separate him just because it seems to me that she views him as a threat. That is my opinion though. I right now have a broody hen myself but I am just not sure if the eggs are fertilized. I am going to candle light them in a couple of days and if they are I am going to separate her just because there are 10+ more chickens in there. Even though she is trying to sit on every egg that is being laid. It is kind of funny because she is a Cornish hen and trying to lay on 8+ and more coming.
Yeah i was thinking of separating him too. Is your cornish still laying? I had a oeg bantam hen lay 11 eggs, all but one hatched i was really impressed. The oeg bantam hen that is broody right now is broody on 9 eggs. Im really excited about this hatch.
Yes she is still laying. Yet one of the other chickens are now chasing her off the nest but we are now building a new coop and run because we have 48 chickens now and half are still young and are not able to go outside yet so before they are able to I would like to make the coop and run bigger and move it. I also want to make the cornish their own coop and run so at least if one of the hens become broody again I can just separate the roo and the other hen from it. But good luck on your hatch!!

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