Separated broody hen, now what?


8 Years
Sep 2, 2011
New Hampshire
I have a BO that is broody> yesterday was an all day battle keeping her off the nest. Last night she slept on the roost with every one else, but come morning she stayed on the roost for a long while, when she finally came down she guarded the coop and nest- after the first one layed she immediately went to the nest to sit, I took her off the nest and she chased the next girl who wanted to lay, so I got out the brooder and put her in there with food and water.

what do I do now? I dont want chicks, trying to break the broody
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ok, im nervous about that...(bath) but willing to try. The bigger they get the more challenging it has been for me to handle them-- so leave her in there without a roosting place or bedding. I am going to have to somehow get that into my secure run, right now the brooder is in the daytime run and not night predator proof-

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