Separating a Flock


May 21, 2021
I have a small flock of six-month old hens (3 Australorps and 2 Rhode Island Reds) I will call Flock A. I have a second flock of fourteen 8-week old chicks (Flock B), consisting of 7 bantams and 7 normal-size chicks, various breeds. I plan to integrate the 7 normal-size chicks in with Flock A and so today, I moved them from their brooder to a coop and run beside Flock A's coop and run so they can begin to "see and not touch" to get used to each other. My question is: Will it traumatize the Flock B chicks to be separated permanently? I plan to keep the bantams in their own separate coop and run, but all fourteen baby chicks have been in the same brooder since they were one day old. I would appreciate any insight because I don't want to do anything to upset or traumatize the chicks. They have all been very happy, healthy, spoiled chicks.
It will be just fine to separate the bantams. Unfortunately chickens don't get as close as with relationships as ducks and geese do. They probably won't even notice the change, unless they were very close friends which usually happens when they get older.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your insight!
They should be fine, as long as you plan on them to stay separated.
Will the bantams coops and run be near the larger birds coop and run?
The bantam coop and run is near the larger birds coop and run, but it is separate and I planned on keeping them separate, if that is what will be best for the chickens. I thought keeping the smaller chickens separate from the larger would be safest.

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