Separating young diamond doves

Happy Novogens

formerly Gimpy Quail
9 Years
Aug 21, 2014
outskirts of Phx, AZ
Short version:
I have 2 female, 1 male diamond dove in community cage. They hatched one baby that is now grown and I can no longer tell him/her apart from original 3. They then hatched a second baby whose eye ring is just beginning to turn orange. (A third baby is in the nest, fully feathered.)
I just put the 2nd "baby" into its own cage by itself. I intend to put the 3rd in there once I'm sure it is ready to be separated.

Is it alright to have separated the 2nd baby? I plan to sell the babies but would lose track of which ones are the young ones if I don't separate them before the eye ring is mature.

Longer version:
The doves share an indoor community cage with a pair of Parson's Finch, Canaries, and a button quail. They all get along fine. I see, though, how the diamond doves will sit, two together on the nest when a new baby is hatched. I am not even aware they have a baby in there until it is almost fully feathered. They (presumably) hide it from the others.

On a few occasions, a baby has made it out of the nest and on the cage floor. The other birds don't bother it and I've placed it back in the nest. Same thing if it is briefly left alone in the nest.

Anyway, I enjoy watching them care for the babies (albeit one at a time). Just wondering if it's ok separating the baby out. It is in a cage that is right beside the community cage.
Just wanted to share what I thought was so sweet. My baby diamond dove was on the cage floor, so an adult diamond stayed with him (no surprise) and my female button quail joined them as well -- all keeping baby snug.


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