seperating first time mom with chicks?


11 Years
Nov 23, 2008
Long Island, NY
hey everyone when my chicks and ducklings hatch under my broody... is it ok if i seperate them and do the raising on my own... there silkies and runners. i want them to be tame and friendly but am worried about the effects it might have on my broody... will she call for them if they go missing?? do they get depressed.. because ill feel really bad! thanks for anyone with advice!
i enjoy rearing the chicks and i dont have a seperate pen away from the other chicken and 2 ducks and im afraid they'll be killed and i want to make sure they are friendly... also she is sitting on duck eggs too so it would be weird with the ducks following plus the chicks lol and the adult birds.... probably won't end up too pretty
I had a similar quandary yesterday. I had 2 broodies with eggs under each and had to determine if it would be better to separate the chicks, keep them with the moms, and/or separate the two broodies with a set of chicks of their own. I came to learn a few things from advice from more experienced folk here at BYC:

1) Silkies make the best moms and it will save you tons of time and effort if they brood for you.
2) Chicks raised by hens tend to be a bit heartier than brooded ones.
3) Mother hens do get distressed when the chicks are removed. Yesterday, I separated one mom from the other hen and chicks and she went ballistic! She kept clucking for them and was pretty frantic trying to get back to them. My heart broke so I eventually let her back in. The two mommies eventually worked it out and they are both sitting side by side over 3 chicks that get shared between them.
4) I was told if you needed to separate the hens from the chicks, try to do it early, especially if you want them to imprint on you.
5) However, I was told by a couple people that as the chicks grow, just handle them a lot and they should be tame so there is no real need to separate them.

I am not an expert but just relaying what folks have suggested to me and from my own experience. I do think you need to find a way to separate the broodies from the rest of the flock tho'. I agree, it might not be a pretty sight. I am lucky I just have the 2 silkie hens and it hasn't been a big deal to keep them together. Hope this helps!
Good luck!
She'll be unhappy for a day or three and then get over it. Be sure you want to raise them though because she won't take them back later. Where are the pictures? You're not supposed to post questions about chicks without posting pictures.

ETA: You'll probably want to get the chicks fairly soon after they hatch if you didn't start her on the duck eggs first. The chicks will hatch out and she won't stay on the nest for the extra couple of days that the ducklings will take.
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It is fine to let mama raise em and handle them... they will tame out fine... It is such an undertaking to raise them right... Mamas do the best job. HO here
hey i set the eggs early this morning(duck eggs) going to wait about a week then set the chicken eggs.... well see how this works out. my silkie broody is very sweet and tame she thinks shes a human shes given me NO attitude while on the eggs so i think im going to set up a play pen in the house and once they hatch bring them all in that way i can still play with the moma but i can still get the chicks. so i will have to wait. i am thinking on putting a grate up when "lockdown" comes so nothing can go in or out of her house. then once everything hatches bring them all in ... its too cold outside anyway only about 40's here. once i bring them all in i do believe i will seperate the ducklings tho. leave mama with the 3 silkie chicks(THAT WILL HATCH)
lol and raise the two ducklings my self they they both hatch. so i think that plan works out for the best mama and silkie chicks. silkies tend to be so calm and sweet anyway i should have nothing to worry about

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