September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

I'm jealous. My hubby and I got four beagle pups two years ago from a "friend." Long story short,they all died from parvo and HE KNEW THEY HAD IT! We did EVERY thing possible to try to save them. It was the most saddest,devastating experience ever. We were going to train them to be our rabbit dogs. Anywho,will eventually get more. Once we get the Shepard to chill out!!!! Grrrrrr....
I'm in no way wanting to offend you or sound insensitive....please please vaccinate. This guy,whom is no longer a friend,didn't vaccinate the parents. So even though we got them their first round of parvo vaccine,it didn't matter. They were already infected. They were doomed from birth. I'd never seen a dog suffer from that. My husband had. It was definitely a week full of sobbing.
They're extremely susceptible as youngins. Did you know a parent can be a silent carrier? Never show one sign and live a long life. So weird. I'm sorry listen to me rambling on. Hopefully not discouraging you. Just some people aren't aware. Hoping I've helped....maybe??? They are just precious my dear. So very happy for you.

You are absolutely right! No need to apologize. We have been raising puppies for years and are very strict about their shots. It's an awful thing to watch one go through that, especially if children are involved. I hope that when you do get more puppies that everything goes great and you have some wonderful experiences and memories.
Something similar happened to me when I was growing up. My parents adopted a puppy just before Thanksgiving. The pup lost his battle with parvo the Monday following the holiday. The pup came from a no-kill shelter that had unknowingly acquired a mother and pups that were infected, a few days before the adoption. The shelter lost most of the current young pups that hadn't yet received their full set of vaccines. Due to that tragic experience I have insisted that any animal that comes under my care be treated by a vet.
The third duckling just popped out while the family was eating dinner! We all missed the hatching! Three out and two more working on "breaking out."
That's the way it goes...I'll stand and watch and watch and watch....then finally decide to go do something else...and when I come back in a few short minutes...its hatched!

Oh well...that's the way it goes. Congratulations on the three hatching...that's great! Looking forward to hearing about the last two.
Hatching results:
Set 201 eggs.
94 eggs were infertile. 45 of those were from the Araucana rooster. I feel though he was just a little too young yet.

13 eggs had various stages of death during developing so did not hatch.
1 died after hatching and 2 late hatchers were weak and were culled.

91 survivors 43 (non-naked necked) sold today.

48 with naked necks all in the brooder doing well and already starting to eat and drink.

Result is 87.85% hatch rate.
I'm so impatient. This is my second hatch. I discarded two yesterday (1 infertile and 1 blood ring), so I'm down to 8. Half look great with body veining airsac and movement. Half are good with at least a couple of those things. I marked all the air pockets. They seem to be fine. I have not been turning them as much as last time, but still at least 3x a day. I am on Day 11. Halfway there...

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