September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Holy cow! I can see a teey, bean-shaped chick forming in my egg! I can see an eyeball today!!!!!!!

So awesome!
I have a silkie that is a naked neck. Can any breed chicken be bred as a naked neck?

You can breed a Naked Neck to pretty much anything and make Naked Necks, but not all chicks will turn out Naked Necked.

There are a lot of folks crossing NN to Silkie and trying to make Showgirls out of them. It take more than one generation to make them though. The is a thread on Showgirls on here somewhere. I never use it so you'd have to do a search for it.

Omg so cute I want one so bad.Are they not good layers? DH kinda naysayed me when I just showed him. Anyway,congrats

Most are good layers. I call mine fair to middling layers. Years ago I had some that laid most every day. The current flock are about every other day layers, except for the ones I've cris to Easter Eggers they lay almost every day.
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So, I have one lone very active guy going into lockdown & have been doing the incubating dry. Getting the humidity up to low 60's now & have room for a couple of thermometers to be a paranoid Serama momma. :)

Is there anything else anyone can think of?
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So, I have one lone very active guy going into lockdown & have been doing the incubating dry. Getting the humidity up to low 60's now & have room for a couple of thermometers to be a paranoid Serama momma.

Is there anything else anyone can think of?

Been there with the multiple thermometers, lol. I think I had 5 or 6 in my incubator at one time... I currently only have 2... or 3...
Make sure you have more than one hygrometer (humidity reader).
Good luck!!!!

4 marans chicks hatched so far! Here are three plus the guinea from couple of days ago. One still in the incubator. Just hatched this morning. One more egg working on hatching and one not doing anything yet.

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