September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

Me too! Idk if I could process my own, even a jerky roo. I did have one years ago. They are illegal here too, but you can hear them all over my neighborhood. My neighbors at the time "ok'd" me having a roo, but I still could have gotten a fine if somebody wanted to turn me in. It's too bad, BC I love Roos (the GOOD ones). They have so much personality and are usually a little more friendly than the girls as chicks. My suspected Silkie roo, Slimy Bob, was my first hatch ever and our favorite, but at only 2 weeks old, he's already getting a little too spunky. I thought Silkies were supposed to be super docile, but Slimy Bob is such a pecker to the other suspected roo. I could just not be familiar with roo behavior though. Out of all the chickens I've ever had, only one was ever a boy. Pretty darn lucky.
This is Slimy Bob. I think I need to rehome him soon, but I'm going to be pretty picky about who gets him. We love Slimy Bob. :(

Too cute!!
My lead hen acts like a rooster and she is a hen lol we call her queen Mrs piggy. She has been that way since a baby. I though she was a rooster until she was old enough and when she started laying eggs, dead give away haha.
My friend came.over and confirmed that her bantam cochin rooster and her lavendar laced cochin are the breeds that the two came out so far. I am pretty sure the jersey giant is a dud but I'll give that egg a few days to be sure and the others should hatch by tuesday. Maybe because the rooster is bantam they hatched sooner?

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