September 2015 Hatch-A-long!!

My friend came.over and confirmed that her bantam cochin rooster and her lavendar laced cochin are the breeds that the two came out so far. I am pretty sure the jersey giant is a dud but I'll give that egg a few days to be sure and the others should hatch by tuesday. Maybe because the rooster is bantam they hatched sooner?

Some bantams do hatch at day 19, though mine were irritating enough to wait until day 21. Lol.
Two more pips, but one in the narrow end. I'm ready to assist if needed. I am thrilled with that many potential chickies. My son named our first chick already. Mongatsika. If you've seen Zoboomafoo you may have heard it before. It means, I can't believe my eyes. Amazing!
Hope everything is going okay and you have a healthy crew soon!

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