***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Txmel, I'm so sorry only 1 made it
My last batch of eggs didn't hatch out any at all....I know how you feel. Don't give up, tho, ok?? I've tried 5 hatchings, and have had some really good ones....just had a couple that went wrong somewhere. I look at it this way, we're not gonna figure it all out by giving up. So just try again. I know I'll be hatching out as many eggs as I can, as often as possible in the spring. So, if you need a hatch-buddy, somebone to share ideas with, shoulder to cry on, or just to vent with, just let me know....I'll be there. Believe me, it helps having someone to discuss all these confusing details with. Better luck on your future hatchings

Heatherlynn: If you put your eggs in on 9/3 about 3:30 in the pm, by my figuring day 21 for you would be today around 3:30 in the pm. Now, I don't know how your temps and humidity ran throughout incubation, but allowing for maybe lower temps you could have a few late hatchers. If it were me, I'd wait til at least Monday evening (that would be day 24 for you) before even thinking about tossing anything, maybe even let them be until Tuesday morning. I've had a couple hatch on day 25. Good luck with the rest of your hatch.

To all the rest of the gang: Congrats to all of you with lil ones
and to those still waiting, hang in there

Oh, I almost forgot to tell ya'll my lil bit of good news....I've got 1 tiny little baby Coturnix quail sitting in my bator this morning.

Now, ONLY 44 more to go.......

This morning I have two more chicks out (3 total have hatched), one egg is pipped and looks ready to start zipping.....

I'm at work now and will remove all the hatchlings from the incubator when I get home this evening. It looks like I'll get at least four, maybe five from this set of 7 BJG eggs. Woo hooo!

And then I'll take some pictures to share.
thank you so much. i am sitting here reading the post holding my one little chick. its too cutie. my girls have named it cutie i really hope it a girl. i have more eggs already in the incubater this time some barnverlders and olive eggers hopefully they hatch well and give this little one some company. i figure its so small it might just be ok in the house until some buddies come along.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Are they Black/Lavender/Blue Orps?

Hello, I am the one who sold her the eggs. They are Lav orps. The black one carries the Lav gene
I am soo excited for her and this hatch!​
Beth G. :

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Are they Black/Lavender/Blue Orps?

Hello, I am the one who sold her the eggs. They are Lav orps. The black one carries the Lav gene
I am soo excited for her and this hatch!

I bet you are!

They're beautiful!
I got 12 D'uccles total
, the D'uccle eggs I got from a BYCr I got 10 out of 12 hatched but the Mille eggs I got from someone on ebay I only got 2 out of 24 so
but still really happy and everyone is running around being crazy babies this morning. I need to post pics later when I get my camera charge etc.
Heatherlynn you were one day behind me so mine hatch wed-thurs so I bet you will be seeing something today, sending hatching vibes your way
oh yeah I had one hatch Tues night and then the rest waited so be patient
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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Beth G. :

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Are they Black/Lavender/Blue Orps?

Hello, I am the one who sold her the eggs. They are Lav orps. The black one carries the Lav gene
I am soo excited for her and this hatch!

I bet you are!

They're beautiful!

Thanks you!!​

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