***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

WOW, be careful! We live in the mountains and have seen quite a few rattlers this year. I just saw an episode of Man vs. Wild yesterday and apparently rattlers can strike faster then the human eye can see. And they are responsible for many human deaths!

Oh, and yes my incubator is happily full of eggs! (just to stay on subject!)
What breeds are you incubating and when are they due?

It is day 20!! I've never had chicks hatch on day 20 before! The one that has pipped is a Lavender/ Lavender split Ameraucana. Can't wait to see if it is Lavender or Black
First five Serama chicks (from Ebay eggs).

Ok guys, there's four more guys in the incubator after this including one that got partially shrink wrapped, one zip and at least one pip left. I also have another batch of Serama chicks in (from a real breeder) so if there's an October Hatch A Long, I'll be in that too lol.

Oh...and I'm waiting for some more quail eggs. xD
Woke up this morning to SIX chicks! Not sure what they are yet - I have a whole bunch of different eggs in there! No pics yet since they are still in there. I probably will take them out when I reach 10 chicks tho - those octagons get very very crowded.

We can play 'guess this chick' when I finally do get them out.
I have 5 cuckoo maran, 3 blue splash maran, 5 BLRW, 3 light brahma, 1 standard cochin and three blue orp eggs

ETA: Seven!! And lots more pips. I have 20 eggs in the bator. Anyone know how many a brinsea octagon can REALLY hold? LOL. They are all draped over the remaining eggs.



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I have a pip! I went to take the guinea eggs off the turner and noticed a pip. We were guessing about when they would hatch since the momma sat on the nest for a while. I guess they were a week farther along than I though. I hurried and got the humidity up and now I have to cross my fingers.
Today is day 10 for my quail eggs, so I candled. Ya'll, I don't know how Im just noticing this, but.....I THOUGHT I put 123 eggs in there. Well, today being candling day, I actually counted them....only 103
I could have sworn I had all 6 racks in there and filled up, but no, only 5 racks, lol. Anyway, having shared my stupidity with ya'll, here's the update: I had to toss 53, all clear, no fertilization.
I kinda figured on a bunch of them not being fertile. Of my 12 breeding hens, 9 are still fairly young. I'm wondering if my roos may be getting a bit long in the tooth, tho. They are part of the original 12 I bought to begin with....maybe they're losing their virility? I dunno. I know the 9 younger hens are fully mature, so maybe it is the roos. Men, geesh, just when a girl is hitting prime....
Well, enough of that, lol. The remaing 50 eggs are looking great, lots of vein-work, and good movement. Keeping the bator at around 99-100 F with humidity around 40% seems to be working well this go 'round.

Congrats to all of you with fuzzies already making appearances.
Keep up the good work, and don't forget.......PICS!!!

To all of you still waiting....hang in there, don't give up.


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