September Hatch-A-Long

Yes! My eggs are due to hatch the same day. The hens do a WAY better job than incubators though.

What kind of chicken is your broody & what are you hatching?
I sure hope so as this is her first time and my first standard broody I never candled the eggs to know
Sounds like you will have a good few hatching! When I get shipped eggs I usually let them sit for a lot longer; I think someone on here recommended 24 hours.

I am on Day 11, planning to candle again on Day 14. Last time I candled (at Day 9), one of the eggs looked kind of weird, all dark, so I don't think that one is alive. Next time I candle I will see how it looks but will probably toss it.

My incubator temps have been all over the place so we'll see how things go, but hopefully I will get a couple chicks at least. Last time I candled I think 7 were still alive, but temps have been up & down so who knows!
I would have liked to let them sit but they probably got warm while they were shipping, and I didn't want to wait too long in case some developed!
Took a peek today, looked like the two cracked ones are both deceased and one other that was questionable looks like a dud. Bummer. 18 remain!
One of the teachers at my kids' school incubated duck eggs last May. She said they were hard to hatch because of all the misting. She ended up with 3 baby ducks though, & they were the CUTEST. They followed her around the yard, lol.
Yes, I am a little worried because I will be away on a business trip the last 2 of the 3 days of incubation which is the critical time - leaving my husband and kids with the responsibility of misting, checking, assisting if necessary...I hope the little buggers hang on a little until I get home...:fl
There were 4 eggs I was questioning a couple of days ago. Two were cracked and looked like they were dead embryos, (no movement), one looked empty but was hard to see, and the fourth looked like it had a blood ring but no baby. Today I took another look and saw zero life, so I pulled them to avoid any incubator explosions. I am on day 13. The blood ring egg was empty except for a streak of blood. The clear egg was clear. I did have two embryos, one had quit around day 9/10 and the other was probably day 7. I'm glad I didn't leave them in there-I cracked them in a bag but I'm pretty sure I smelled some stank emanating from the early quitter! So we are up to 8 chicks that started to develop and then quit. 5 blood rings, 3 visible embryos. Argh. All the others are alive and moving on day 13-I believe there 17 left to go. 5 days until lockdown! I have a variation of air cell sizes, depending on color of chick! I'm wondering if it has to do with porosity or shell thickness. The Jubilee's are smaller then the Silver Laced. This shipped egg business is not easy, lol!
Now i have a broody serama sitting one one duck egg until next week i will add a chicken egg

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