September Hatch-A-Long

I'm not entirely sure seeing as there are two different roosters of different breeds, but they're either a RIR, or RIR Polish mix. And if I can figure out how to post a pic on here, i'd love to post some of my first little cheeper.

I have a question though, seeing as the chicks ive actually hatched have been sick and very weak, is it normal that my chick is squirming around, laying still for a bit then flailing about again? It's only bee out of the shell for an hour or two.
They are weak and worn out after doing the work to get out. Once he's all dried out and has a chance to rest he should perk up.
Thank you! Aaand after looking at the semi fluffed uo chick, I don't know what breed it is, doesn't look like a rir chick, or the pics I've seen of them, he doesn't look it, and he doesn't look like a buff laced polish either. His markings make him look like a keet rather than a chick.
I'm not entirely sure seeing as there are two different roosters of different breeds, but they're either a RIR, or RIR Polish mix. And if I can figure out how to post a pic on here, i'd love to post some of my first little cheeper.

I have a question though, seeing as the chicks ive actually hatched have been sick and very weak, is it normal that my chick is squirming around, laying still for a bit then flailing about again? It's only bee out of the shell for an hour or two.

Yes, they usually rest for several hours after hatching. If you want to post a picture from your computer, chick on the "Upload a File" button in the Reply box.
I'm on day 15/16 can't wait! Candled today, 25 remaining eggs pulled out a few clear ones,but everything else looks promising
good luck on your hatch!
Finge, give the chick a little time it's just figuring out life :) sounds normal to me.

Yes, they usually rest for several hours after hatching. If you want to post a picture from your computer, chick on the "Upload a File" button in the Reply box.

Thank you, im a bit (a lot) nervious and anxious, as this is the first chick that actually seems healthy, and one that didn't need help. So my mind's conjuring up the worst things that could happen atm!
It's late at night on day 17. I decided it was best to lockdown now rather than tomorrow, as we will be out of the house all day. Did one last candle, most of the babies were moving. One I wasn't 100% on, but fingers crossed for a good hatch! ☺️ No internal pips yet, air cells look good. 3-4 days and we should have some babies, I hope!

Welp, I have now two live chicks, and two other eggs that seemed to want to join their two siblings. heating pad method looks like its working for the first hatchling, whom is deep under the lil heating pad cave.
I've got pipping and chirping today at day 21. This never ever gets old. :love

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So exciting! Link did not work for me though.


Welp, I have now two live chicks, and two other eggs that seemed to want to join their two siblings. heating pad method looks like its working for the first hatchling, whom is deep under the lil heating pad cave.

Congrats on your two chicks! Great news! Hope you get a couple more.

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