September Hatch-A-Long

I got my humidity up to 49%, should I try to get it higher? So far not seeing any pipping action, and no cheeping.
I came home from work and there were some pips! My humidity is now around 65-69% since I was able to add a second container of water. At 6pm the first chick hatched, and the second hatched at 7:30pm. There is a third who is still zipping (actually started before chick #2) but hasn't popped out yet. 10pm, still only 2 out of the shell, although there are quite a few eggs showing pips and wiggling. I'm so excited!

Yellow chick was first out, I hope it turns out to be a white quail, I don't have any of those so far. Second out is the darker chick at the bottom of the picture, it has lightened up a little as it is starting to dry. Not sure what color it will be yet. The almost white egg in the middle of the picture is the one who started zipping second, the fuzz that is sticking out the edges looks dark, so it will probably be another dark chick.
I came home from work and there were some pips! My humidity is now around 65-69% since I was able to add a second container of water. At 6pm the first chick hatched, and the second hatched at 7:30pm. There is a third who is still zipping (actually started before chick #2) but hasn't popped out yet. 10pm, still only 2 out of the shell, although there are quite a few eggs showing pips and wiggling. I'm so excited!
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Yellow chick was first out, I hope it turns out to be a white quail, I don't have any of those so far. Second out is the darker chick at the bottom of the picture, it has lightened up a little as it is starting to dry. Not sure what color it will be yet. The almost white egg in the middle of the picture is the one who started zipping second, the fuzz that is sticking out the edges looks dark, so it will probably be another dark chick.
Squee! I adore quail! I need them. Just so I can hold an entire handful of tiny babies in one hand. They are so tiny!!!!!! Good luck with the remaining babies!
Squee! I adore quail! I need them. Just so I can hold an entire handful of tiny babies in one hand. They are so tiny!!!!!! Good luck with the remaining babies!
I know! They are the tiniest little cuties! The second incubator I have going (should hatch 9/16-17) has 15 coturnix quail and 14 button quail. I put the coturnix eggs in a full day ahead of the buttons, I hope I timed it right so they all hatch at the same time. I wanted to see the size difference when they hatch :)
I have 4 out now, 2 jubilee orps, 1 blue? orp & 1 EE. The one that looks blue is I think a cross between a splash bantam orp hen and a jubilee rooster. The EE looks to have a straight comb, can't tell if it has fluffy cheeks yet cause it is still too wet. It's a brownish color. I will post pics as soon as I can get my computer away from my DH. He is playing some kind of game on it. Sheesh, priorities! :p
I have 4 out now, 2 jubilee orps, 1 blue? orp & 1 EE. The one that looks blue is I think a cross between a splash bantam orp hen and a jubilee rooster. The EE looks to have a straight comb, can't tell if it has fluffy cheeks yet cause it is still too wet. It's a brownish color. I will post pics as soon as I can get my computer away from my DH. He is playing some kind of game on it. Sheesh, priorities! :p
We need photos! Lol! I still have two holes, no babies yet! So let me see yours and maybe I can get some sleep tonight?!
We have a baby!!! It's a Jubilee Orpington... and it is the cutest! I couldn't figure out how to get a photo, gah!!!! I think I need to look from underneath it with my light and then I can snag one.
Poor little fella, we have wire hatching boxes with lids-the chick doesn't seem to have a lot of room to stand up and move around. I wish I could reach in and grab it. Hold it and love it and squeeeeeze it. But there are at least 5-6 eggs with pipped shells in there, and we don't want any shrink wrapped babies. So I'm working on my patience.
Photo to come!

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