September Hatch-A-Long

My lil one is on it's lil feet!
How fast should I drop the temp in the incubator now that my last chick just hatched?
Right away to 95 degrees?
If they are all hatched and fluffy, take them out and put them into the brooder. Is using lights, 95 is good for the first week. Drop the temp 5 degrees a week until they are fully feathered.

Using a brooder plate is a different process
And we've got two! What a surprise this one was, was a tiny pip hole, put my dogs out in the yard and came back to a whole chick! Was not expecting a yellow chick though, the Roo was a black/copper maran

All remaining 4 of the 6 eggs have pipped :D
5 chicks! My two maran eggs just hatched, one came out a little early so little blood and umbilical, fingers crossed for it.

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