September Hatch-A-Long

It's at 56% right now. It stayed right around 40-45% until 2 days ago I started trying to keep it at 60%. Is in the 50%'S high enough? How do I raise it without opening it? Thank you, I appreciate any and all advice.
Ideally it should be at least 60% and higher is better. Cut a clean sponge in quarters, wet on of the quarters and put it in the incubator (it's okay to open the incubator as long as you're quick about it). Check the humidity in a few hours, if it's not high enough, wet another sponge quarter and put it in :)
Still no signs of hatching in the other eggs. The only hatched chick is approaching 24 hours. How long can he survive in there?
I see 3 eggs with tiny tiny holes starting so I left the one who's hatched in there and didn't open it. He's running around like a tiny drunken dinosaur, cheeping like crazy and rolling the eggs all around. My nerves cannot take this..
@OHWVKY You said that the first chick hatched about 24 hours ago? It should be dry enough to put into your brooder if you already had it set up with the temp being right. Do it quickly, so you can get your lid back down on your incubator. You can add the other chicks in there with it later.
I see 3 eggs with tiny tiny holes starting so I left the one who's hatched in there and didn't open it. He's running around like a tiny drunken dinosaur, cheeping like crazy and rolling the eggs all around. My nerves cannot take this..
What @BlueBaby said. Once a chick is fluffed it can be moved to the brooder, just be quick.
Well, it got busy here today with an early hatch. I have 5 chicks now out of the 11 eggs that made it to lock-down. 6 more eggs to go, and I am hoping that all 6 of the remaining eggs will hatch! Now upon 3 of those 5 drying out well enough, 1 is Splash, and 2 are blues. The other last 2 that hatched last aren't dried off enough yet.
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