Serama/Cochin Cross(official weight posted page two)

I didn't do anything special to breed them. I have a small flock of bantams running around with my Serama Roo as the only roo in the flock. I collected a few strange eggs and they hatched out Zip and her brother and sister, both black. Obviously they were my cochin's first eggs.

they tend to have bare middle toes and a few primary tail coverts that show through the fluffy tail.

I'd have to weigh her to know for sure, but aside from the fluff she looks the same size as her dad. My cochin hen is also a fairly small cochin.

I will also be selling these hatching eggs this spring.
I don't tend to like the bantams but I MUST say that your cross is ADORABLE!

I've never had either of those breeds, but have heard that they are wonderful....
Official weight is 16oz. Her dad weighs 16oz and her mom weighs 20oz. She is on the smaller side of the two weights.

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