Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

I hope you get a good hatch on your CDS eggs. The last week is sooo hard to see what's going on in there.
I ended up with 9 chicks from my last hatch I let my broody have them all and she is doing a great job raising them. I have 1 bantam pheonix, 7 barnyard mix and one that I think is a Silkie cross? The Silkie one is my favorite! So cute!
It's kinda weird having my incubator empty now, it's kinda late in the season, but I'm wondering if I should set some guinea eggs. I raised a few to butcher this year and turns out they are delicious! Luckily, I saved a pair and they are just starting to lay even though they are only about 5 months old...I wonder if they are fertile?

I am happy you got some chicks!! Those Silkies are too cute... if I keep seeing pictures of them I will have to try to hatch a few!

The wait is killing me right now and I just hope the eggs left are doing alright. I get to lock them down the day after tomorrow so that is comforting me
So close....

Awesome that you didn't eat all your guineas and can try hatching some of their eggs! An empty incubator is no good!
quote name="darkbluespace" url="/t/907627/serama-hatch-a-long/60#post_14026443"]I'm on day 16... so excited and nervous... wish time would speed up : )  On day 13 I had 13 of my Castle Delight eggs going strong.  Had a bunch of quitters and 7 clears : (    I am so nervous about the rest that I am forcing myself to keep hands off... I normally candle obsessively.  I am just gently turning twice a day... and waiting!   I set 6 more eggs from my hen a few days ago and will put them in my other bator when these go into lockdown... only two more days!  Humidity has been as low as I can get it... between 25 to 30 % and eggs don't have much air cell.... very hopeful though.

My Frizzle Serama hen has 2 chicks and my other Serama hen just went broody on one egg so I gave her one more.  A little bummed to not be getting more eggs but I know she wants chicks!  I think in the future I will keep the broodies completely separate since it seems to be contagious!!

I hope you get a good hatch on your CDS eggs. The last week is sooo hard to see what's going on in there. :/ I ended up with 9 chicks from my last hatch I let my broody have them all and she is doing a great job raising them. I have 1 bantam pheonix, 7 barnyard mix and one that I think is a Silkie cross? The Silkie one is my favorite! So cute!
It's kinda weird having my incubator empty now, it's kinda late in the season, but I'm wondering if I should set some guinea eggs. I raised a few to butcher this year and turns out they are delicious! Luckily, I saved a pair and they are just starting to lay even though they are only about 5 months old...I wonder if they are fertile?[/quote]Can u post some pictures of your babies..
Seven serama chicks hatched last night and this morning

Only one failed to hatch, but four were early quitters. Two are red (one of them is pictured above, and I am excited to see how they color out)

Also 10 bantam cochins last night/this morning too!

and this is the last remaining chick from my earlier hatch three weeks ago. Her picture is on this thread a few pages back newly hatched. 100 degree heat stuck half the chicks in their shells, one died two days later and one I believe was snatched by the neighbor cat- it was just gone with no trace, maybe slipped threw a tiny crack in my hardware cloth.

She/he has amazing sweeping feathers already.

@Tajann That is wonderful! So happy for all your chicks... and sorry you lost two from the last hatch!

Love love love that first photo... so sweet and beautiful! I love what a surprise Seramas are... not knowing what colors and patterns you'll get!

If your 3 week old doesn't have any red comb coming in now/soon it is likely a hen... I could tell mine for sure at 3 to 4 weeks!

I am locking down 13 eggs tomorrow. I am nervous about these eggies but hoping for the best! I am putting them in little baskets so I can tell who is who after they hatch : )
One of my serama chicks had decided that the bantam cochin is its mommy even though it was hatched with the seramas. Go figure. I tried to put her back with the seramas but she won't have anything to do with them
@Tajann That is wonderful! So happy for all your chicks... and sorry you lost two from the last hatch!

Love love love that first photo... so sweet and beautiful! I love what a surprise Seramas are... not knowing what colors and patterns you'll get!

If your 3 week old doesn't have any red comb coming in now/soon it is likely a hen... I could tell mine for sure at 3 to 4 weeks!

I am locking down 13 eggs tomorrow. I am nervous about these eggies but hoping for the best! I am putting them in little baskets so I can tell who is who after they hatch : )

I see a little pink so its probably a roo. Especially with those fantastic feathers
One of my serama chicks had decided that the bantam cochin is its mommy even though it was hatched with the seramas. Go figure. I tried to put her back with the seramas but she won't have anything to do with them

That is too funny... I hear those Cochins, like the Silkies, just exude the mothering vibe...
So my eggs are on day 20... yesterday I had two external pips on the wrong end... they seem to be doing well. I have one internal pip but didn't check the other eggs... don't want to mess with them. I am so nervous... trying to relax about this bunch... I guess I only need to wait another day or so...
So my eggs are on day 20... yesterday I had two external pips on the wrong end... they seem to be doing well.  I have one internal pip but didn't check the other eggs... don't want to mess with them.   I am so nervous... trying to relax about this bunch... I guess I only need to wait another day or so...  
:yiipchick Go little Serama chicks!
Go little Serama chicks!
I am exhausted from a long night!! I had 13 eggs in lockdown and it looks like I might end up with 9 chicks
I had 3 DIS, two never pipped internally, one ran out of air and another was fatally malpositioned
I had 4 pip the wrong end or the middle of the egg but all look pretty good. 7 chicks in the brooder, 2 more resting up in the bator. I am hoping for a Serama hatch someday with less assisting but glad the chicks are doing well... One brooder chick was very cold and not under the heat lamp this morning but seems to be recovering!

I feel l just can't figure out the humidity for these little eggs... I was afraid I was making it too dry but the chicks were still too big in their shells... except the littlest eggs, I think they needed higher humidity... none of them hatched. I think they need to be incubated separately.

Out of 28 eggs, I guess that is pretty good... they were shipped and there were 7 clears and a bunch of quitters. I have 4 Casey, 3 Ethan, 1 Darius, 1 Dimitri

8 golden/yellow and one black chick.

No silkied
I try to comfort myself by telling myself all the chicks that didn't make it were roosters. I know it isn't true, but it makes the loss a little easier.

I still have 6 serama eggs from my hen in another bator and 2 under my broody : )

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