Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

I just had something very sad happen. I've been rotating my chicks between mama and brooder every few days, a few at a time so they are handled and friendly, but learn lots of chicken skills too. It's been going great and the chicks in the brooder have been with the three remaining chicks from the earlier hatch, who kind of take care of them. This morning I did a supervised transition into putting them all together in a larger spot. Looked to be going great, one of the mamas (two hens are co-parenting) even sat on two of the older chicks to keep them warm. Then out of the blue one of the hens attacked one of the older chicks and damaged its head pretty good. It's still alive for now... I guess the next few hours will tell if it makes it. I got mad and put the mamas out with the other seramas in their pen. Why that chick and not the others? She pecked at it a little but it appeared to be normal pecking order business and was letting it feed next to her, them bam! Attack. She didn't peck at the other two older chicks or pay them any mind at all. And it was hours before she attacked it.

Tomorrow is Day 21 for two of my serama eggs, been in lockdown since day 18. For my other batch, it just hit 7 days and I would normally candle them tonight. However, we had a power outage today, so I think I will give them an extra day before candling. A bad storm ripped through here, we're really lucky to have the power back already... over 100k people lost power. Still, it was out for several hours. The incubator went all the way down to 81
I really hope my two will still pip and that the hatch rate for the other 8 won't be decreased too much..
Tomorrow is Day 21 for two of my serama eggs, been in lockdown since day 18. For my other batch, it just hit 7 days and I would normally candle them tonight. However, we had a power outage today, so I think I will give them an extra day before candling. A bad storm ripped through here, we're really lucky to have the power back already... over 100k people lost power. Still, it was out for several hours. The incubator went all the way down to 81 :hit  I really hope my two will still pip and that the hatch rate for the other 8 won't be decreased too much..
Have faith.. the same thing happend to me the other day. So far none of the eggs i have incubating stopped growing.
I just had something very sad happen. I've been rotating my chicks between mama and brooder every few days, a few at a time so they are handled and friendly, but learn lots of chicken skills too. It's been going great and the chicks in the brooder have been with the three remaining chicks from the earlier hatch, who kind of take care of them. This morning I did a supervised transition into putting them all together in a larger spot. Looked to be going great, one of the mamas (two hens are co-parenting) even sat on two of the older chicks to keep them warm. Then out of the blue one of the hens attacked one of the older chicks and damaged its head pretty good. It's still alive for now... I guess the next few hours will tell if it makes it. I got mad and put the mamas out with the other seramas in their pen. Why that chick and not the others? She pecked at it a little but it appeared to be normal pecking order business and was letting it feed next to her, them bam! Attack. She didn't peck at the other two older chicks or pay them any mind at all. And it was hours before she attacked it.
you could clean it and put ointment.. and give the chick electrolytes. .
I just had something very sad happen. I've been rotating my chicks between mama and brooder every few days, a few at a time so they are handled and friendly, but learn lots of chicken skills too. It's been going great and the chicks in the brooder have been with the three remaining chicks from the earlier hatch, who kind of take care of them. This morning I did a supervised transition into putting them all together in a larger spot. Looked to be going great, one of the mamas (two hens are co-parenting) even sat on two of the older chicks to keep them warm. Then out of the blue one of the hens attacked one of the older chicks and damaged its head pretty good. It's still alive for now... I guess the next few hours will tell if it makes it. I got mad and put the mamas out with the other seramas in their pen. Why that chick and not the others? She pecked at it a little but it appeared to be normal pecking order business and was letting it feed next to her, them bam! Attack. She didn't peck at the other two older chicks or pay them any mind at all. And it was hours before she attacked it.
Oh no, how is the chick doing?? I am so sorry!!

What a terrible coincidence, but we had a freak chick death yesterday... we were gone all day and when we came home last night the power was out. It was already dark and my son yelled from the other room that he stepped on a bird! My CDS chicks were in a brooder with pretty high sides but when their light went out they must have freaked out and a couple birds flew out. Unfortunately my son stepped on one and it died shortly afterward. A sweet little hen....
I didn't want him to feel bad at all and I don't think he is too crushed... what a totally freak accident. I would never have imagined the birds would be on the floor. I have been really blessed and have only lost a few chicks, but I have to cry a bit each time... maybe it gets easier, I don't know..
Tomorrow is Day 21 for two of my serama eggs, been in lockdown since day 18. For my other batch, it just hit 7 days and I would normally candle them tonight. However, we had a power outage today, so I think I will give them an extra day before candling. A bad storm ripped through here, we're really lucky to have the power back already... over 100k people lost power. Still, it was out for several hours. The incubator went all the way down to 81
I really hope my two will still pip and that the hatch rate for the other 8 won't be decreased too much..

I bet the eggs didn't get nearly that cold! They will likely be okay... I have heard of broodies being off eggs for a whole night and they still hatched!

Our power was out for almost a whole day which is rare here... I guess we're pretty spoiled! Luckily I didn't have anything in the bator, but I just got 2 eggs from my frizzle hen... one yesterday and one today!!! I might be getting a few more...
I was full of it when I said I'd give them an extra day, apparently, because I candled batch 2 last night! 8 eggs, 2 blood rings, 2 I'm giving more time, and 4 live and energetic blobs! Here's hoping the other two catch up and they all make it through. Still waiting on pips for the lockdown eggs!
I was full of it when I said I'd give them an extra day, apparently, because I candled batch 2 last night! 8 eggs, 2 blood rings, 2 I'm giving more time, and 4 live and energetic blobs! Here's hoping the other two catch up and they all make it through. Still waiting on pips for the lockdown eggs!

Who can wait?? Glad you have some doing well!
Baby #1 is out! Exactly 18 hours from pip to zip. They are drying and resting up right now! I cannot believe how tiny they are. The other egg hasn't moved, candled it and saw no internal pip. It is day 22 right now so they have time but I really hope they come soon and don't leave this wee one alone!
Baby #1 is out! Exactly 18 hours from pip to zip. They are drying and resting up right now! I cannot believe how tiny they are. The other egg hasn't moved, candled it and saw no internal pip. It is day 22 right now so they have time but I really hope they come soon and don't leave this wee one alone!

Yay!! for a chick!!
for the others! Just wondering what you keep humidity at? I am still trying to figure it out!

I just got 6 Serama eggs today.. you all inspired me! She also gave me 6 Silkie eggs because the ones I got last time were clear and because she didn't have extra Serama eggs... so that should be fun!! The Serama eggs are tiny... a couple are really tiny! I have a couple from my frizzle hen too.

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