Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Day 21 begins! It is hard not to constantly peek. No rocking, this one is likely to be late if it made it because of the power outtage. Hope you're gearing up for the world and not festering, little guy! Tempted to water candle since there's no pips but I'll give til day 23 for that
How is that baby doing??
That baby is sadly not doing. Cracked the egg open today to find a dead chick within
It seems they actually quit earlier than I thought was possible with how much room they took up on candling.

Going to try again with serama eggs once I can afford an actual incubator, I think serama eggs might be too delicate for my home made one. There were too many that started to develop and quit during week two to make me believe it was because the eggs were shipped.
That baby is sadly not doing. Cracked the egg open today to find a dead chick within
It seems they actually quit earlier than I thought was possible with how much room they took up on candling.

Going to try again with serama eggs once I can afford an actual incubator, I think serama eggs might be too delicate for my home made one. There were too many that started to develop and quit during week two to make me believe it was because the eggs were shipped.
I'm so sorry, that sucks!! Shipped Serama eggs are notoriously difficult! I know there are folks in Texas, hopefully near you, with eggs... that post on the Serama thread! I would post on there and see what you can find when you are ready. My only shipped Seramas came from an hour away and only a third of them hatched, so out of state just makes it harder. I feel for you because I know how disappointing it is.
I went ahead and asked in the american serama thread to see if there's anyone in my area with eggs. My lone hatcher is 17 days old now, and he's getting red in his comb! Golly, not even 3 weeks yet. He's probably a roo.

He is really very snugly. When my cochin was this age, she snuggled sometimes, but mostly she wanted to play and peck things. Chip doesn't want that. If you move him he sits and waits patiently for a hand or face to come close enough to rub all over like an affectionate cat. Not just me. Any people. Given a choice he comes to me, but he's happy to snuggle up with total strangers. He's fearless and trusting for something so small! He is very quiet and it's rare I hear the alarmed trill or distressed peep from him. Usually only when he sees the cat outside the brooder or a bird darts by the window. Otherwise, silence, content peeping, even mini chicken purrs (which sound ridiculous in comparison to LF chickpurrs.) Are they all like this?? I already knew I needed a bunch but he's making me rethink what snakes I really want to breed so I can dedicate more space to Seramas, oh no

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I went ahead and asked in the american serama thread to see if there's anyone in my area with eggs. My lone hatcher is 17 days old now, and he's getting red in his comb! Golly, not even 3 weeks yet. He's probably a roo.

He is really very snugly. When my cochin was this age, she snuggled sometimes, but mostly she wanted to play and peck things. Chip doesn't want that. If you move him he sits and waits patiently for a hand or face to come close enough to rub all over like an affectionate cat. Not just me. Any people. Given a choice he comes to me, but he's happy to snuggle up with total strangers. He's fearless and trusting for something so small! He is very quiet and it's rare I hear the alarmed trill or distressed peep from him. Usually only when he sees the cat outside the brooder or a bird darts by the window. Otherwise, silence, content peeping, even mini chicken purrs (which sound ridiculous in comparison to LF chickpurrs.) Are they all like this?? I already knew I needed a bunch but he's making me rethink what snakes I really want to breed so I can dedicate more space to Seramas, oh no

That is a super cutie!! When you have a lone bird they really bond with people! I have noticed that the white birds' combs get red, even if they are pullets, so it takes a bit longer to see what sex they are... you just have to wait and see if it grows bigger. I bet you are going to need lots more!!
I am thinking about selling this guy... he's really sweet... for $15 or $30 for him and this hen... they are siblings from my trio : ) I am trying to remember how old they are... 7 weeks?

So my latest hatch didn't go as well as hoped. They were tiny eggs so I thought a little more humidity would be good... wrong. I got two Seramas, one I purchased and one from my frizzle hen. I did hatch 2 Silkies too but I lost 3 Seramas, they were all terribly mal-positioned.... so I am back to dry hatching!

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