Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

I think they bailed on me too. Not the worst that could happen, I guess. Her babies are REALLY small.. they're the size of the two that just hatched this evening! :) So I should be able to take them from mom and brood them together no troubles. Ping won't be happy I took her kids, but I am also kind of tired of getting jump attacked and she doesn't seem to be feeding her babies well. Their crops are never bulging and they're not growing as quickly as chicks I've brooded artificially, unlike my last broody raised batch.

Two more eggs are pipped, hopefully another 2 to pip soon. I hope I don't lose any. 6 babies would be great!
4 babies out! Based on previous experience, I think the other 2 are dead. Nothin' from em and when I candled I didn't see any veins at the lip of the air cell. Very sad... I keep getting 1 or 2 late death embyro no matter what eggs I'm hatching, so I must be doing something wrong. Had that with Ping's eggs too, though, and I did nothing there. Is that more common than I think? Or maybe serama are more prone to it? Going to leave them in til day 21 anyway.

3 more eggs are incubating and should be good to hatch later this week! Fingers crossed they all make it, I didn't get any of the whites I was hoping for
4 babies out! Based on previous experience, I think the other 2 are dead. Nothin' from em and when I candled I didn't see any veins at the lip of the air cell. Very sad... I keep getting 1 or 2 late death embyro no matter what eggs I'm hatching, so I must be doing something wrong. Had that with Ping's eggs too, though, and I did nothing there. Is that more common than I think? Or maybe serama are more prone to it? Going to leave them in til day 21 anyway.

3 more eggs are incubating and should be good to hatch later this week! Fingers crossed they all make it, I didn't get any of the whites I was hoping for
4 chicks is great! This is my first attempt at Seramas, but from everything I have read and heard that are tough little buggers to hatch! Sounds like you are doing OK with them! Mine still have another 6 days until lockdown
4 babies out! Based on previous experience, I think the other 2 are dead. Nothin' from em and when I candled I didn't see any veins at the lip of the air cell. Very sad... I keep getting 1 or 2 late death embyro no matter what eggs I'm hatching, so I must be doing something wrong. Had that with Ping's eggs too, though, and I did nothing there. Is that more common than I think? Or maybe serama are more prone to it? Going to leave them in til day 21 anyway.

3 more eggs are incubating and should be good to hatch later this week! Fingers crossed they all make it, I didn't get any of the whites I was hoping for

They are just not the easiest to hatch. I don't often have 100% hatch with Serama eggs, except under a broody. I find that when the eggs vary in size, that is the hardest, to get the humidity right for both the smallest and larger eggs they actually need to be incubated separately. I have so many now though that I just go for a happy medium and accept the smallest or largest eggs may not hatch.

Congrats on your 4 chicks!

Sorry! I'm a lurker, but got some serama babies this morning and have no one to tell! Haha

Congrats on your babies!

My eggs are on lockdown as of this morning. Looking for any hints on what to do (besides sitting on my hands). They are in a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance with humidity pump. Of the 22 I originally received, 18 developed and 14 have made it to lockdown. Any suggestions on temp and humidity for lockdown? I left the temp at the same it has been set to for incubation (99.7) but bumped the humidity up to 60% from 45% at this time.

I hope to be posting chick pictures very soon!
Congrats on your babies!

My eggs are on lockdown as of this morning. Looking for any hints on what to do (besides sitting on my hands). They are in a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance with humidity pump. Of the 22 I originally received, 18 developed and 14 have made it to lockdown. Any suggestions on temp and humidity for lockdown? I left the temp at the same it has been set to for incubation (99.7) but bumped the humidity up to 60% from 45% at this time.

I hope to be posting chick pictures very soon!
It sound right to me. Good luck! Looking forward to photos of your new chicks. the only thing I can suggest is that handcuffs may be a better option than sitting on your hands.

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