Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

This was just me checking fertility, basically. I couldn't help myself. My hens were born in January, so they've only been laying a few weeks. I gave her 5, and had one not fertile. Of the other 4, all hatched!
Great looking chick! Congratulations...

EE! Super cute babies! What lovely little puffs! Is that a white? How lucky!

Three babies are out now, 1 still to go. One of them is the malposition. Their navel is rather rough, and they seemed to have lost a dramatic looking amount of blood in the umbilical cord. Poor baby had a rough time of it... I need to calibrate my incubator, I'm afraid it's starting to run a little hot. Put some antibiotic salve on their navel... fingers crossed they do alright. I haven't lost a chick yet, but that probably means I'm running on borrowed time
It's been over 24 hours since pip, they are exhausted. I checked the other and they still don't seem to have absorbed everything they need to, I hope they pull through too! Still seeing lots of beak movement.

Now that the others are out, it is setting in how teensy the first one to hatch is. Their whole head is teenier than a dime!
Yeah! Hope the rest make it out! Can't wait to see pictures!
All 4 are out! Last one as of a couple seconds ago. Took them a long time to get out, they were very stuck... I had to get in there and slice the membrane in a couple places for them to be able to push out. Not a problem I've had before, but their egg was big and lost weight way fast in comparison to the others, it was rather porous. The other baby is looking much better after some sleep and I think they'll make it, knock on wood

I gotta get some photos. I don't know where my uploading cable is for my camera! Once I find that I'll get em up
All 4 are out! Last one as of a couple seconds ago. Took them a long time to get out, they were very stuck... I had to get in there and slice the membrane in a couple places for them to be able to push out. Not a problem I've had before, but their egg was big and lost weight way fast in comparison to the others, it was rather porous. The other baby is looking much better after some sleep and I think they'll make it, knock on wood

I gotta get some photos. I don't know where my uploading cable is for my camera! Once I find that I'll get em up

WAHOO!!! Glad they all got out! I hope to have that great a news story myself soon!
Has your hatch started yet? Any pips? Anticipation is murder, I swear!

Here's some pictures of the brooder, the substrate is called Carefresh Ultra. I really like it so far! It dehydrates droppings fast, and then as it gets kicked around, all of them fall through the cracks to the bottom. No dirty chick feet, no sand in the waterer and food. I've been using paper towels for them up until 5 weeks of age but I think I'll use this from now on out.

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Has your hatch started yet? Any pips? Anticipation is murder, I swear!

Here's some pictures of the brooder, the substrate is called Carefresh Ultra. I really like it so far! It dehydrates droppings fast, and then as it gets kicked around, all of them fall through the cracks to the bottom. No dirty chick feet, no sand in the waterer and food. I've been using paper towels for them up until 5 weeks of age but I think I'll use this from now on out.

No pips yet. They are not really due until Friday. I generally use puppy pee pads in my brooder. I don't have any wire on the floor for the pope to fall thru....
Has your hatch started yet? Any pips? Anticipation is murder, I swear!

Here's some pictures of the brooder, the substrate is called Carefresh Ultra. I really like it so far! It dehydrates droppings fast, and then as it gets kicked around, all of them fall through the cracks to the bottom. No dirty chick feet, no sand in the waterer and food. I've been using paper towels for them up until 5 weeks of age but I think I'll use this from now on out.

Such sweet babies!! That first one is hilarious and adorable!!
I played musical chicks and eggs last night... I took those four chicks that my 3 broodies abandoned and put them under two hens in one coop and took 4 of their 5 eggs (one was about to hatch) and put those four eggs under two other girls that just went broody. I like putting partially incubated eggs under them as it cuts down on their sitting time and then all the chicks have mamas and I am trying to keep the chicks to a minimum right now ; )

My 3 Silkie eggs are hatching...looks like they might all be black so I am super excited!
One of these babies has wry neck :( I'll inform the breeder since that means the hen was deficient in vitamin e, but this one got bad fast. They can't walk without tumbling backwards. Took awhile to tell the difference between that and the usual chick wobbles, but now it's obvious.

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