Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Haha! He's adorable! :) I set the new eggs this afternoon, 34 *crosses fingers* Just gonna run it at the same general humidity as the first batch and if the freshest eggs get to the end and quit again (or have trouble hatching) then I'll have a pretty good idea that's what it was. Here are some more pics! Had the babies out for a couple minutes while I changed their paper towel bedding: I added a third serama to the segregated batch today as I felt those two still weren't acting as lively as the rest. It seemed they needed a third to encourage more waking and pecking around and so far it seems to be working. You can see how much larger it is than the one on the left tho... I hope that one doesn't end up being a micro. That kiddie pool looks like it makes a good large brooder on the cheap. You just cover it with chicken wire to keep them in?
Yeah! I actually have a little "tractor" over the pool made out of pre-cut pvc pipe with chicken wire zip tied to it. Easy and cheap to make. I use it to bring them outside for a little in the day and it works great. Not predator proof, but good for transitioning. I love the colors on that little one! He IS small! How small is a micro? Do they have health problems? Zippy was pretty small and frail at first. I have a picture of him next to a glue stick; IDK if you've seen it. He was constantly getting stuck on his back and would scream! It took him almost 3 days with assistance to hatch. He has the shortest legs I've ever seen. I honestly think he wasn't meant to make it, but I like to think all the extra TLC he got helped him survive.
See? Lol He had dried egg "gunk" all over him, I think from taking so long to hatch, so he was not the cutest looking chick. He's still kinda weird looking, but we love him.
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Yeah! I actually have a little "tractor" over the pool made out of pre-cut pvc pipe with chicken wire zip tied to it. Easy and cheap to make. I use it to bring them outside for a little in the day and it works great. Not predator proof, but good for transitioning.
I love the colors on that little one! He IS small! How small is a micro? Do they have health problems? Zippy was pretty small and frail at first. I have a picture of him next to a glue stick; IDK if you've seen it. He was constantly getting stuck on his back and would scream! It took him almost 3 days with assistance to hatch. He has the shortest legs I've ever seen. I honestly think he wasn't meant to make it, but I like to think all the extra TLC he got helped him survive.

See? Lol He had dried egg "gunk" all over him, I think from taking so long to hatch, so he was not the cutest looking chick. He's still kinda weird looking, but we love him.

Cool! Do you have any more photos of the tractor portion?

I think whether it's considered a micro is determined once it's fully grown or close to it and is based on weight. From what I've read they may not live as long, micro hens don't usually lay eggs, and their cold tolerance is even lower than usual seramas. People like them for pets though.

3 days to hatch!?! Wow, that's some patience on both your parts, kudos! Honestly he looks a little punk rock in that photo next to the glue stick. I like it. :)
Cool! Do you have any more photos of the tractor portion? 

I think whether it's considered a micro is determined once it's fully grown or close to it and is based on weight. From what I've read they may not live as long, micro hens don't usually lay eggs, and their cold tolerance is even lower than usual seramas. People like them for pets though. 

3 days to hatch!?! Wow, that's some patience on both your parts, kudos! Honestly he looks a little punk rock in that photo next to the glue stick. I like it. :) 

Here ya go! I have another one, like a hoop coop, that's twice the size. Sorry the pictures so blurry.

That's pretty rad. I guess we're not using our duck pool now so maybe I'll turn it into a brooder tractor! :) 

It works great for Silkies, but the Seramas have started perching on the edges and pooping on the floor. They're very proud of themselves. Lol
This was supposed to go here, not sure how I started the new thread.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I really want to hatch some of my seramas fertile eggs but she refuses to set. I don't have and incubator and honestly I've never tried to hatch my own chicks. My buff orpington (she's never hatched chicks either) is constantly broody so she was my next best bet.She has been setting on them since the 19th tucked another one under her on the 21st and didn't realize I made a huge mistake by not marking the first two by the 26th when I placed the third. I only marked the third egg (idk if thats even going to be an issue). I really want her to hatch them for me but I'm worried she might be too big so I was thinking of taking them out as late as possible but I highly doubt I'll have a better enviorment than my broody. Is the size of my hen going to be big deal? Is the time gap between eggs going to be an issue? Can I keep putting new eggs under her?

I did get one reply saying I should collect and store the eggs but she's laying only 1-2 eggs a week, not sure where I could store them with an unchanging temp.
This was supposed to go here, not sure how I started the new thread.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I really want to hatch some of my seramas fertile eggs but she refuses to set. I don't have and incubator and honestly I've never tried to hatch my own chicks. My buff orpington (she's never hatched chicks either) is constantly broody so she was my next best bet.She has been setting on them since the 19th tucked another one under her on the 21st and didn't realize I made a huge mistake by not marking the first two by the 26th when I placed the third. I only marked the third egg (idk if thats even going to be an issue). I really want her to hatch them for me but I'm worried she might be too big so I was thinking of taking them out as late as possible but I highly doubt I'll have a better enviorment than my broody. Is the size of my hen going to be big deal? Is the time gap between eggs going to be an issue? Can I keep putting new eggs under her?

I did get one reply saying I should collect and store the eggs but she's laying only 1-2 eggs a week, not sure where I could store them with an unchanging temp.

Hello! I'm pretty new to this stuff myself but I will try to help. :)

From what I've read I don't think your orpington hen will continue setting on eggs for too long after 1 hatches. So it probably won't do much good to keep sticking them under her. Just wait and see what happens with the three you've already placed. Maybe she'll be too big but maybe not.

I've read that you can store eggs in a cool location such as a cabinet (say 50-60 degrees) alongside a pan of water for up to 3 weeks. The water keeps the humidity up so that the older eggs won't lose too much moisture. As it gets cooler outside it gets easier to find a cabinet in the house that's the right temperature (perhaps in a bathroom or other area that doesn't get heated regularly). Make sure you turn the eggs once a day. To do so, I keep mine in an egg carton stored large end up and each day I prop up one end or the other of the carton with a small box (like a box of bandages for instance).

I am currently incubating such eggs, testing whether they're really still good after 3 weeks, you may as well give it a try too! Since you don't have an incubator, you could start a thread here to see if anyone in your area would be willing to incubate your eggs for a small fee. You can also post such an ad on Craigslist.

Another option is to save a few eggs and then deposit them together in your serama's nest box. Just seeing a pile of eggs can make them go broody in my experience.

You may also consider acquiring a couple more hens so that you have more eggs... and more chances that one will get those broody feelings!

Good luck! Let us know how you proceed and how it goes!
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It works great for Silkies, but the Seramas have started perching on the edges and pooping on the floor. They're very proud of themselves. Lol

Oh, I have an idea about that! If you put a tarp under the pool and tractor you could switch it out with a second tarp as it gets dirty and just hose the soiled one off outside.
Haha! He's adorable! :)

I set the new eggs this afternoon, 34 *crosses fingers*

Just gonna run it at the same general humidity as the first batch and if the freshest eggs get to the end and quit again (or have trouble hatching) then I'll have a pretty good idea that's what it was.

Here are some more pics! Had the babies out for a couple minutes while I changed their paper towel bedding:

I added a third serama to the segregated batch today as I felt those two still weren't acting as lively as the rest. It seemed they needed a third to encourage more waking and pecking around and so far it seems to be working. You can see how much larger it is than the one on the left tho... I hope that one doesn't end up being a micro.

That kiddie pool looks like it makes a good large brooder on the cheap. You just cover it with chicken wire to keep them in?
these babies! congrats on the chicks!! I always love seeing seramas next to LF chicks because I forget how small they are : )

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