Seramas vs. Sebrights...

It depends on where you got your birds. I got several Serama from a local breeder and my roo is about 2 pounds

I got several more Serama from a good breeder, my smallest roo is 10.5 oz, my smallest hen is 9.5 ounces. They are TINY! I'll take some pics of my birds for you too. The pics I have are from the day I got them and they were really scared and not at all into the picture taking thing ... poor chooks. I've been meaning to take more to post anyway. I'd like to find out what colors they are as I am a chicken color idiot

Chickenaddict, your birds are really pretty
I love Serama, they are definitely addictive!
Seramas are definitely the smaller of the two breeds... but I have to say, I adore my little Sebright roo.. The Captain
He has the greatest little crow and he is super nice with the ladies
He's the only roo they don't run from! LOL

But also... I cannot WAIT until we get into the country (FILs house currently next to my chicken coop) so I can get some Seramas.... they'd have to be indoors somehow in the winter here in Michigan from what I'm told... but they are so small and I definitely want to get some.
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Serama's are known to be the smallest chicken in the world but I have heard they are more of a challenge than seabrights too. I have a male Serama roo and he is housed with the big girls and he is THE BOSS. He's TINY but he sure does do a large roosters job except for mating...he hasn't gotten that down yet
I don't think that will ever happen but he does all the warning calls and he tries to chase away our boxer if he gets to close to his hens. And he is VERY sweet to us and to my 4 yr old. NEVER has he tried flogging us or even biting us. Seramas also do terrible in cold weather...most have to be housed in the house in winter. Mine is housed in the garage with a heat lamp in the winter months.
All those others with Serama, do your roosters sound REALLY funny when they crow? Kind of a hoarse little half crow? My kinda Serama has a beautiful crow, but my true Serama sound so funny I about die laughing every time they crow
Funny you asked- my least favorite chicken is a Sebright, and my favorite are Seramas. Seramas are small (quite a bit smaller than Sebrights) calm, docile, goods broody mamas, etc. The roosters are angles too. Sebrights never go broody, are very flight, and the roosters (at least mine) will ATTACK YOU!! Your choice.

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