Serious bullying problem


8 Years
Jun 20, 2011
Central Pennsylvania
I have five guineas. I started out with one male who just randomly appeared on our doorstep one day and refused to leave, so I got five 12 week old keets and set up a pen and now here we are. I'm a guinea owner. We lost only one since summer, so we're down to five. Three of the guineas are pearl and two are lavender. Has anyone noticed a problem with color mixing guineas? It seems like my white ones are ostracized a little. Then again I think they all pick on each other to a degree.

Anyway, now that breeding season is slowly approaching, I've noticed my one lavender hen is getting the brunt of the attention, and she is looking very rough. Today I looked out and she was sitting in the small space between the coup and the chainlink fence. I had to leave for a few hours, but she was still there when I came out. I checked on her and she's missing a lot of feathers on her left side and there are pinpricks of blood on her wing. She'll move out of that spot if I go near her, but as soon as I leave she goes right back to it. I think she's hiding from them. The thing I don't understand is I'm fairly certain three of my guineas are hens. It certainly sounds like it from their calls, so I don't know why only one hen is getting battered while the others are fine.

Is there anything I can do for her?
Oh no! I hope someone has a solution for you. We have 6 Lavender Orpingtons that are 4 weeks old and 13 keets that are a week old (chicks in coop with heat lamp at night and keets in stock tank with brooder plate and heat lamp just outside coop area). I hope they will all be of similar size when time to integrate them.

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