Sermas vs OEGB

OEs are very loud. They're very vocal and love to talk. They're very friendly but males can be a handful. I always say "they're aggressive but respectful." Not sure about Seramas... but I know most American strains are very highstrung.
Yeah, but that's what makes em so fun... they talk back.
Not sure, I've never owned Seramas.
I've not ever owned OEGB's, but I do have Seramas. From what I've heard of my Serama Roo, he is not as high pitched as some of the OEG's that I've heard at shows. However the tone of each rooster is subject to his genetic make up.

My Seramas were rather flighty, and WIRED until they were a few months old. However with regular handling, they have calmed down QUITE a bit, and are actually quite pleasant to handle now.

The other thing I like about Seramas is that you dont have to dub them to show them. I dont know that I could own OEGB's because they are supposed to be dubbed. Of course you dont have to do that if you're not showing, but you know me... I'm a showing fanatic.

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