Set a batch of eggs! Including my first eggs from my very own hens :D

I just got back from checking on them and I have 2 PIPS!!!!! I have dinner plans tonight and I won;t be able to check on them until much later! I hope to come back to little fluffy butts running around the bator.
:eek: OMG my broody hen hatched her chicks on sunday night/monday morn. and other on monday night tues morn and other on tues night but that one didn't make it, NON on weds thurs so I said your all done the rest must be duds so this afternoon I went in and took her eggs as I was walking to throw them in the compost I hear PEEP PEEP PEEP
I turn around rush back and put them back under her. How much harm did I do??
I know some of my hens did give here eggs at diiferent times when she was in the coop sitting but two and 3 days later I so mad at myself I sould have just left them alone
until she left the nest.Has any of you done this??

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