Set eggs 5/18 - whose with me?

Nah, not yet. I waited till that one got it's butt out of the shell. I didn't have any more pips so I did a quick candle on each and none are pipped internally yet. Tomorrow is day 21 for the milles and day 20 for the RIR X that's left.
That last one that hatched is a big crybaby. I hope I can sleep!

Chicken lover ..Thanks for the offer. anyway....Gosh didnt know you have so many coming!.....and starting.You must have a huge coop!
Thats great you have some of your frizzles and blackstars hatched And the Buff orps..
Yeah i have been wanting some Buff Brahma eggs .My Light Brahmas are so pretty and fat and fluffy now at 10 weeks old

My eggs...Its evening of the 21 day and still nothing but i am watching the humidity and temps still in case. I am determined to get some Lavender Orp babies and iwant to hatch them!... no matter what. There is actually someone 3 hours away from me has some...i am going to go pick some up from her avoid the shipping hope they can ride 3 hours in a car not truck...

.Might get some from the same lady i sdid before.and have them shipped then see what hatches..... SOMETHING maybe!!
.Hope they are good b/c she can only sell me 5!! Funny she has chicks too but now thats not even the point! I want to hatch eggs!!
If this 5 fail then iguess i will drive back again and get chicks from her. Well might even when i go this time then i will have 2 anyway.They are so pretty I am stuck on getting them. Sofar theirs are the only 2 i really want besides the eggs i have. Oh and Lemon Cuckoo Orps.They are next.
Hope i didnt mess up this thread now .I am now paranoid about that HAHA.
Ok Yesterday was day 21 and when I came home from work I have 9 baby chicks. Not bad for shipped eggs I had 15 make it to lockdown. Still waiting on about 4 but not too hopeful about them. I happy with 9.....2 buff orpingtons, 4 Lavender Orpingtons and 3 Barnveldere's. I'll post some pics tonight.
Oh i am so jealous!! you have Lav orps hatched!! That is great for shipped.4 not hatched.... oh well you have such nice ones that are!Iwoudltn csare either
2 more of mine hatched today 1 at 5am and 2nd one 1 1/2 hours ago had to help that one or it would have died she or he is doing really good. But nothing yet with the blacks stars and buff that were left over :( hoping they will still.
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Nothing from my chucker eggs yet , they have been in lock down but I cant see any pips or anything Im tempted to take them out and see if I can find movement. I have never hatched them befor . I wish they would hurry up and do something , they are due sunday or monday.
I'm so behind, I don't know who has hatched what! I've got three out so far. Wait, six. Three hatch ( under a broody ) three idk what because I forget what I slid under the hen during the power outage. Duck eggs have a few days yet. If I get some time tomorrow between work and dark, I will attempt to get pictures. 80 hours a week is kicking my butt!
So excited to report that out of the 22 eggs that went into lockdown 21 hatched and are in the brooder! WooHoo!!!
So happy that this hatch ended so well! It was just my second time and I had a lot of last minute adjusting with the humidity but happily all the chicks are doing awesome - even the ones I had to assist as several were stuck! I feel like a chicken midwife:) What a learning process this is!!! This incubating and hatching thing is the most stressful and yet fun experience!!! Glad it's over and looking forward to the next one - we are hooked!! Looking forward to reading about everyone's hatches!

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