*Set eggs Tonight (Nov. 23rd) Any one due around Dec. 14th??*

7 of 8 hatched so far, and #8 has pipped.

I have the 'bator in the closet. When I opened the door to check on them, they came running over and lined up at the window of the 'bator looking at me. "Are you our momma?"

So sorry to those who are still waiting. I'm still hoping for chicks for everybody!
What has your temp and humidity been at? As another dry Arizonan....it makes a difference...

My temps been about 100-101 and humidity was 20 till day 18 been about 40, its at 55 now.
I just had a sad incident. I went to a dinner theater and left the 9 chicks in the brooder. I knew I had put the cat out before we left. But apparently not, I cam home to 8 chicks and one close to dead breathing really hard, I got her warm and thought she might have been ok. No she died I think she may have had internal injuries because of the little blood she spit up at the end.

I tried everything from sugar water to a warm light and washcloth. She just didnt make it....

I still have 8 little fluffy butts though!

Still kinda bummed though, I hope that it wasnt a hen and the others are roosters....
i got two pipping this morning:weee!! now if i can just get my humidity down some,it shot up to 80% even with two wholes open:rant i have 5 exchequer leghorns. this is day 22. better late then never:thumbsup!
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