Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

I have two right now that came a little eairly..... they are still attached to the bottom of the shells and everything so guess i will see what happens in the next few hours. i put my eggs in the bator on the 17th at 9pm so the 18th was day 1.....
You'll wake up to some fluffy butts in your bator!

I know! Why can't they be conscientious chicks and hatch in the next 15 minutes so I can go to bed?
Those are so cute!!!

My last chick STILL hasn't hatched. It's been pipped over 30 hours and just has zero interest.

I tried zipping a bit for it, but the membrane bleeds if I touch it at all, so I refuse to mess with it again. I'm scared that I'm either going to make it bleed out, or I won't intervene in time, and it'll have leg problems. I can't deal with another chick with leg problems again so soon.

I did take some pics of my other chicks to distract me. I'll go post them in a sec.
went into lockdown last night. movement in most of the eggs, some i couldnt see into very well to tell. twelve eggs in all, today a couple of tem are wiggling

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