Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

I'm starting to have a mental breakdown already lol! I have been watching the eggs, and one egg is rocking and rolling something fierce! This egg in particular is on day 17. The rest of the eggs are on day 18 and I started lockdown earlier this evening and I am getting impatient
I'm having a hard time keeping my temp up though, I finally got the humidity to about 62% but the temperature is hovering around 96 ish
try now. The one that is pipping is one of the ones in the upper right side of the screen. If you find the two big green eggs, it's 2 down, picture a " Y ", it would be the bottom of it.
My Hatcher in the house is crammed full and locked down. Had to toss most of the eggs I had shipped in but my own are looking good. Baby quail hatching in the garage, last batch of eggs I put in after I sold the adults. They were just sitting around after all....
I can't get your cam to come up either. :(

Edit: I finally got it by copying the link and pasting it into the browser! I see them! :)
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So I have had both of the plugs out of my bator and the humidity has been holding steady at 30-35%. I had a couple small spikes up to 45-50% a couple times right after I added water but they came down pretty fast (within a day or so) on their own. Temp has been holding at 101 ish on top of the eggs and 98-99ish on the bottom. I have been using an egg carton with the bottoms riped out in case they pipped on the bottom.
Today we had really nice weather, sunny, but windy and pretty cold.
I left for most of the day to my grandparents to do my taxes and when I came home my DH had our bdrm window wide open. He said it got really hot in our room....... The bator temp was at 94-95` on top of the eggs and I didn't read the bottom 1 before acting. The humidity was at 10%.....
I lost ALL but 2 for sure and a third that may make it.
They were probably that cold all day, and with the humidity down it must have affected it so much. I just candled them the other day and they were doing great. Any other ideas what could have caused this or was it probably the cold and no humidity that did it? It was probably like that all day as I left pretty early today.
I know they are gone as their is no veining anymore and the dark spots (some that are almost as large as the egg) were moving when I tipped the egg like jello.
He said he did it becasue it got really warm in our room but I have my thermo for home set at 70` and never change it more than a degree or 2 up or down. If the sun was on our windows I guess it could have warmed the room some but .............. IDK
I'm tired and upset and I feel defeated for coming so far to basicly have it all be for nothing now...... Hopfully the last 3 make it

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