Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

You're not alone, AngelaPenny.

We're on Day 20 also, and nothing is happening in our incubator yet

I've learned how boring unhatching eggs can be to stare at for 24 hours.
On day 20 I was discouraged,after seeing all the wobbling eggs n day 19, nothing moved day 20. Then we woke up on day 21 to pips. Currently we have 3 hatched, 1 zipping, and 2 pipping!

Hang in there.
SherrieT I would love to get the count of hatched chicks from the store bought eggs. I had heard of people getting some to hatch.

I'm SherrieM and also from Tucson. My eggs are on day 20. All silkies. Should get some pips tomorrow.
None of the Whole Foods eggs even started. 8 or 9 of the Trader Joes eggs are in lock down and were live as of yesterday.

SherrieT I would love to get the count of hatched chicks from the store bought eggs. I had heard of people getting some to hatch.

I'm SherrieM and also from Tucson. My eggs are on day 20. All silkies. Should get some pips tomorrow.
Finally, I hear peeping, no pips yet but i can hear them and they are moving is day 23! had a power outage early
I didn't actually stay up last night, but I did wake up a number of times and check on them. Tonight I had 1 egg so close to hatching for about 2 hours, I finally said enough and reached in quick as wink and gave a little flick to the 2 halves and it hatched in about 20 minutes. Great I thought, I can go to bed early as nothing else is pipping. But no, a last check revealed 2 new pips
yolks on me!
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I'm in your same boat:)! I've got two pips and 6 I'm still waiting on...not to mention the 4 that pipped and zipped this afternoon:). So far 2 serama's (from shipped eggs...Castle Delight Serama's...zoomommy I think is her byc name), a vorwerk and cocking bantam from our own eggs. The pips are another cochin and vowerk.

I fially got my kids to go to sleep and not hover over the eggs lol...but now that's what I find myself doing! Gonna be a long night!

Sending good hatching vibes your way!

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