Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Day 22 is ending-
prayers answered with a pip late this afternoon-

yahoo, don't think I'll sleep at all tonight!
From starting with 23 eggs, down to the 6 eggs that went into lockdown
I so want these little blue laced wyandottes to hatch out and be healthy!!
OK, One pip saturday night. Three more today pipped.
One out and calling his other friends. One pipped internally I think. Chirping away, but no pip in the shell yet. Still waiting on 7 more to do something.
Well, 9 of 12 eggs had hatched last week, Monday and Tuesday. While waiting for the other 3 to hatch (they never did BTW) my lovely daughter found that our broody hen in the coop decided to quit sitting on her eggs so she called me at work and asked if she should put them into the incubator. I decided we should give it a try. We hadn't candled these eggs and she had been sitting on them about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks and I hated to just leave them and let anything growing inside die. So when I got home I expected to see 2 eggs in the incubator....There are 5 in there. I asked my lovely daughter why we have 3 extra, she said that's what the hen had been sitting on for the last few days....... So now I have 5 eggs in the incubator. We candled them, out of the original two that our broody was sitting on, only one is growing. The other 3 have the spider veins and movement. Problem is.....they are at different stages in the incubation process so this should prove to be interesting especially since this is only our second time incubating.
I am kind of facing the same wall. I bought 4 dozen chicken eggs and 4 turkey eggs all together. I set them all together, but the turks need 28 days versus 21 for the chicks. I set the turkey eggs up higher in paper egg cartons in hopes that once the chicks hatch they won't be able to tumble the turkey eggs, and I hate having to raise the humidity early on them, because I like to dry incubate. Guess we'll see how it goes, I'll probably end up scrapping together another incubator before lockdown for the chicks gets here.
Keep us posted.
And cool to get to save the eggs and all by the way!
Good luck with your hatching. I guess this will be an experience! I've always made fun of my sister who takes in dogs and has around 15 of them. Now I have more chickens than she has long as she doesn't find out, I'll be ok! Good Luck!
Well it was a long weekend for sure! A lot of waiting and I kept walking to the bator then stopping myself and walking away!
The 1 surviving silkie chick was supposed to hatch on friday. Saturday night I could still not hear any cheeping so I removed the egg without tiping it and held it in a pretty wet papertowel to keep from shrink wrapping. Still no internal pip but I saw a movment so I knew it was still alive. Bad thing was though its air cell took up pretty close to half of the egg. If you know silkies u know how small their eggs are already, now we are talking half that size! I didn't even think that once it internaly piped it would have enough leverage to externally pip the hard shell. But I waited and sure enough sunday night about midnight I heard the first peeps! I left it alone and was going to just wait and see what happened but then it changed.

This afternoon while in my room I started hear peeps of distress from the egg and it had not zipped at all yet. I opened the bator finally to help or at leased see if I could tell what was wrong? I used a dull fat needle to open the shell a bit and the membrain was dry and white, so I tore it a lil bit and that was when I noticed the chick was smeared with blood. I opened the egg carefully watching as I went and there was no blood in the membrain but I figured out the chick mus have turned in the egg the wrong way and it tore its cord causeing pretty bad bleeding. It ripped off right at its skin. I wrapped it in a damp warm rag and held pressure on the spot for a while and the bleeding slowed almost to a stop after a while. I put it back in the bator and it just layed on the warm rag inside for a long time.

After a couple hours of rest I took it out again and the bleeding had fully stopped so I carefully cleaned it up most of the way and dried it to a fluff. It is now resting under a broody I brought into my laundry room to give the last OEG chick to. They are all bonding good and though these are her first chicks she is doing pretty good. I will keep em inside and watch em for probly a week or so to be sure they are all doing great and chicks are strong then I will move em out to the coop with the rest of the flock. This hen is roos favorite so she shouldn't have to much trouble reasserting herself as he always protects and guards her.

Just had to share. So this lil thing was 3 days late but after it went through I don't know how it survived at all! And heres the real shocker!!! I have 2 silkie roos(1 white, 1 splash) and 3 possible hens(2 white, 1 blue)!
So I don't know where it came from but this lil chick has complete chipmonk markings of a light partridge!!!

Its still a lil bit blood tinted in this picture but it has lightened up a lot with some more cleaning!!!
I am thinking either silver or blue partridge possibly??
It just better be a hen if it is so it can stay (I may keep it if it is a roo to and boot 1 of the others!!!) LOL

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